When you have typically developing kids you just never realize all - TopicsExpress


When you have typically developing kids you just never realize all the small things...you also go yay you learned to talk, walk, run jump, use the potty etc. But for us it is more or less YAY you learned to hold a fork/spoon, drink out of a cup with spilling, learned to try a new food...things most parents with NT kiddos dont think much about but for those of us that have kids that struggle with things that seem so simple. I wish more people could/would stop to appreciate the everyday miracles. The little things in life, smiles, laughter, trees blowing in the wind, the sun shining, blue sky, kids playing - you know just the simple things. Life just gets so busy that often people dont really stop to take in the small things. Its one thing I have learned over time is that life is constantly moving at a pace that most dont have the time to enjoy these things. Our kiddos are amazing in their own ways and we are so very lucky that we get to watch all these tiny miracles happen before our eyes every single day...
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 02:24:29 +0000

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