When you love someone who doesnt love you back, you cant magically - TopicsExpress


When you love someone who doesnt love you back, you cant magically force your heart to let that person go unless you are an emotionless computer operating system. You can, however, use your brain to force your body to stay away from that person based upon the knowledge that they do not and will not love you...but that doesnt mean the love you feel for them will disappear. The only thing that will weaken the strength of the hold a person has on your heart is time. Everyone grieves differently. It could be a year since the object of your affection has touched you and your feelings may not subside...your love for them might even intensify. Who knows? But nobody can tell you when your grieving period should end because no one knows who that person was to you and what you shared with them...except you. Healing from a broken heart can be a lonely place to be when others cant comprehend your emotional attachment...but that doesnt mean youre wrong for continuing to love them. Im not saying that you should wallow in self-pity for the rest of your life over someone when you know they arent coming back, but dont allow what other people think about the time your heart takes to heal to push you into letting go before youre ready. If you do that, youll end up hurting other people and hurting yourself while being no closer to the closure that you seek. #lovetakestime #hurtingpeoplehurtpeople #thishasbeenYETANOTHERapublicserviceannouncement
Posted on: Mon, 07 Apr 2014 20:07:34 +0000

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