When your heart has broken, you pick up every one of its shattered - TopicsExpress


When your heart has broken, you pick up every one of its shattered pieces, you hold them in your hands and you tell each and every one of them: We arent giving ourselves to anyone again- not wholly- not piece by piece- none of us- unless theyre right for our lives, unless theyll help us become better people and come closer to God. And then you glue the pieces together with duaa, you weave them together with tears in sujood, you mesh them together with reciting Quran, you polish them with self help books and advice from professionals on how to move forward, and then you place them back together- whole- exactly where they belong: Inside YOU. Pieces of them may stay with those you love, glimpses of them may be reflected in your laughing with someone near to you, in your comforting of someone dear to you, in your care for someone who needs support, but it stays inside you, connected only completely with God and those who deserve its beauty. This isnt the broken of a dysfunctional home. This isnt the broken of being an abused child. This isnt the broken of a spouse who hurt you. This isnt the broken of a friend who cut you off without reason, or a relative who seems insistant on not understanding your reality. This is fixing the broken inside to equip it for anything. This is being triumphant over your own fears and anxieties. This is owning your heart- owing your life- so that when you come to God you can say, My Lord, here I am, a whole person, a person who has forgiven, a person who took control of my life, my sorrow and my actions, by choosing to make my heart wholly worthy of You. - Maryam Amirebrahimi #yibhat
Posted on: Wed, 21 Jan 2015 12:19:56 +0000

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