Whenever I see someone posting something on how peaceful is the - TopicsExpress


Whenever I see someone posting something on how peaceful is the Israeli army acting in GAZA, I just laugh, I do, really, they are so ‘’stupidly’’ funny. I mean, seriously, who are you trying to bullshit here?? You ask the people of GAZA to evacuate their places in minutes because you want to bomb them, but where are they going to go? Seriously asking? I am sure you know that they are Palestinians and they are not allowed to enter the occupied land that you are controlling its surrounding borders. Maybe they should be heading to the sea and start swimming till they port somewhere that they can maraud/invade?? MAYBE. And, actually, imagine that someone drops a small bomb on your place to warn you that you should evacuate it in a few minutes because a bigger bomb is on its way to fully damage your place, and where you will go after that is not their problem. WTF is this? The idea of leaving my home, my memories, where I was born and living my whole life and run with my family a few hundreds of meters away to watch it destroyed in front of my eyes is leaving me speechless, it’s just crazy, I cannot Imagine myself doing this!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is the world aware that GAZA is a 14*34 KM2 closed strip, where the people are not allowed to move or travel and only limited basic resources are allowed to get into there???? Though, they are fighting and fighting all of these years, with an unbelievable determination in their hearts and minds, for what? How come? Where do they get the strength to do this? The answer is simple: IT IS THEIR HOME, THEIR PLACE, ‘’THEIR LAND’’. They’re never afraid of anything, because they have a case of right that they are defending!!!!! I would not say STOP the killing, and whatever the crimes that you’re committing, but, I preferably say STOP THE WHOLE OCCUPATION AND GIVE THE PALESTINIAN BACK THEIR LAND. You have been GRANTED Palestine to be yours by BRITAIN. I don’t know which right has BRITAIN to do this? To give you ‘’someone else’s’’ country to be yours, only to apologize for the HUMANITY CRIMES that European Anti-Semitic committed against you. So you can come where Jews, Christians and Muslims were living peacefully in the Middle East since early ages, and you start committing a worse, A 100 TIMES WORSE, war crimes, CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. And Please, PLEASE, put this in your minds, between all of the shitty reasons that you are providing to justify your occupation to Palestine, ‘’GOD PROMISED IT TO US’’ is definitely the worst. I wish that the truth has a tongue, and I am glad that you are pretty much exposed to the whole world. I am a Jordanian Christian and I fully support and stand for a FREE GAZA and a FREE PALESTINE, and what I am sure of is that one does not need to be a Muslim or a Palestinian to stand with humans; you just need to be one of them, just a HUMAN. #STOP_THE_KILLING #GAZA_UNDER_ATTACK #FREE_GAZA #FREE_PALESTINE #IT_IS_CALLED_OCCUPIED_PALESTINE
Posted on: Wed, 23 Jul 2014 11:05:14 +0000

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