Whenever a Republican posts that Democrats founded the KKK and - TopicsExpress


Whenever a Republican posts that Democrats founded the KKK and more Republicans than Democrats supported the 1964 Civil Rights Act in an attempt to prove that the GOP has a legitimate claim to the black vote, I always reply with the SAME post....and the Republican NEVER responds to it. Cognitive dissonance at work, perhaps? In any event, heres my standard reply. Yes, the KKK was founded by ex-Confederates who were Democrats and the Southern Democrats opposed the 1964 Civil Rights Act. But consider these facts. Barry Goldwater, the 1964 GOP presidential candidate, voted against the Act and won the support of Southern racists, who showed up at his rallies waving Confederate flags. Goldwater lost to LBJ but won the Deep South. It was also in 1964 that longtime segregationist Senator Strom Thurmond of South Carolina abandoned the Democratic Party and became a Republican. GOP icon Ronald Reagan opposed both the 1964 Civil Rights Act as well as the 1965 Voting Rights Act. He also campaigned against open housing when he ran for CA governor in 1966. Two years later, Nixon initiated his Southern strategy when he ran for president, which involved openly appealing for the votes of racists. It worked well indeed! Nixon and Wallace carried the ENTIRE South in 1968, with the sole exception of Texas. When Reagan ran for president in 1980, he voiced his support for states rights (a widely-recognized euphemism for resistance to civil rights) in a speech delivered in Mississippi. The Gipper carried every Southern state that year, with the sole exception of Carters home state of Georgia. CONCLUSION: The Republican Party of Lincoln, Sumner and Stevens no longer exists. Beginning in 1964 and continuing to the present day, the GOP has transformed itself into a welcoming place for racists. Comments?
Posted on: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 16:33:40 +0000

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