Where are our priorities? I worry that if parents today with - TopicsExpress


Where are our priorities? I worry that if parents today with school age children do not get involved in promoting the study of World Wide Genocide in the 20th century we should be afraid for future generations. Our children have been so desensitized to violence through various forms of media from TV, cinema and games. Basically using very graphic forms of violence that are further sensationalized for ratings, changing the vary context of what Genocidal events both regionally and globally. When tensions erupt into violent behavior the moments before someone throws the switch, pulls a trigger or rapes a fellow human being may no longer exist. Our societies in the world today are so accustomed to instant-gratification; this along with desensitized cognitive functions that were rigidly based on educational frameworks reflecting moral and ethical boundaries is disappearing altogether. This sets the stage for more conflicts escalating into world wars over scarce resources, like clean water, energy and food. Over the next two decades the world will see an increase of more than 3 billion to the middle class. With growing concerns over finite resources and the escalating realities of Global Climate Change; we cannot sit back and continue to be complacent while liberal educators sugar coat past historical calamities, which will be repeated. Conflict resolution and risk mitigation strategies are critical skill sets for leaders spanning every level of government and corporate governance. GNP or GGP are directly tied consumption, meaning the more successful our Global Economies become and the larger the middle class becomes the larger problems of finite resources and risks of global conflict become. This along-side the decreasing numbers of Americans entering undergraduate and graduate schools in engineering, and other math related sciences will continue to erode our leadership in the world. Just 4 percent of American college graduates major in engineering, compared with 13 percent of European students and 20 percent of those in Asia. The critical problems facing world leadings must be approached and solved by thinkers that have a strong educational framework grounded by moral and ethical principles. scaruffi/politics/dictat.html historyplace/worldhistory/genocide/
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 23:07:49 +0000

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