Whether Baba Jukwa is a ZANU PF insider or not is irrelevant but - TopicsExpress


Whether Baba Jukwa is a ZANU PF insider or not is irrelevant but what comes to the fore from analyzing his postings is that he has sympathies for MDC T and a supposed faction in ZANU PF. But then it has always been said that MDC T is one side of the same coin with ZANU PF on the other. Hence its not surprising that they have dual membership in the form of the seemingly very informed Baba Jukwa. That Baba Jukwa’s followers who are themselves MDC T sympathizers are disgruntled ZANU PF members is simple conjecture. The MDC should not take Baba Jukwa’s results seriously. An online poll that is conducted on a platform such as Baba Jukwa’s cannot be expected to yield unbiased results. Besides most of the respondents are diasporeans who will not avail themselves on voting day and for known reasons persons domiciled in Zimbabwe would be afraid of participating in a survey that is associated with Baba Jukwa. Therefore those poll results simply reflect the aspirations of disgruntled ZANU PF/MDC T diasporeans. A survey with respondents from Chikomba, Mat South , Muzarabani etc will be more telling. Im sure Amai Jukwa has her own set of results showing President Mugabe romping to victory with similar margins as to those predicted by Baba Jukwa for Morgan Tsvangirai. Unfortunately the MDC seems not to have a jukwa in their family and maybe Jukwa himself the son of the two estranged parents should come out and give us a non-partisan picture. But by giving these biased and misleading poll results, Baba Jukwa is being irresponsible because he is arming an easily impressionable mind like that of Tsvangirai into believing that he is headed for State House and is likely to influence negatively, his thinking, perception, attitude and conduct towards other opposition forces. My own informal survey conducted on the ground with village respondents, shows me Welshman Ncube being involved in a run-off against someone whom I shall not mention at this stage and once that happens all progressive forces from both ZANU PF and MDC T. will rally behind the Professor and parachute him to State House.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Jul 2013 09:42:08 +0000

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