Whether youre fighting to protect our freedom, our right to say - TopicsExpress


Whether youre fighting to protect our freedom, our right to say what we can in the name of free speech, whether you are avenging the innocent of 9.11 or whether you want to invade other nations to protect their freedom, to give them democracy, to force cultural and economic hegemony, whether you joined the armed forces because you were raised in imposed poverty and you saw it as a viable employment option or youre an English-only speaking red blooded American whos honor it is to serve, whether you are absolutely clueless as to the real reasons private corporate elites send your sons and daughters to die for their profits, or whether, like us youve lost loved ones to wars and battles that you did not start nor have any real stake in, whether you realize our 1st world standard of living and destructive neoclassic economic reality requires us to destroy others to maintain our climate controlled standard of living or whether youve lost warriors and loved ones protecting indigenous sovereignty, drinking water or other inherent right to murder or civil war at the hands of cointelpro and other Corporate / intelligence interests protecting profits and infiltrating environmental and other movements with real potential of awakening human spirituality, whether your people have fallen to the genocide perpetrated on original indigenous peoples or whether youre one of those Freedom isnt Free on a bumper sticker types; no matter who you are we hope that you realize we are all the same, we all need a healthy earth and we should not agree to go to war and die for lies, oil, gold, profits and any other reason so we can have a different reason for #MemorialDay. #StayTheCourse
Posted on: Mon, 26 May 2014 23:48:39 +0000

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