Which way is up? We humans tend to think that up is a tangible, - TopicsExpress


Which way is up? We humans tend to think that up is a tangible, geographical, financial, or sometimes physical direction. Let’s look at it another way for a moment. Ambition: An eager or strong desire to achieve something, such as fame or power The object or goal desired / Desire for exertion or activity A strong desire to do or achieve something / a desire for success, wealth, fame Ambition is an ardent desire for distinction / an aspiration to be or to do Ambition is not so much the desire to achieve, but the action or method of getting to that desire, without the action it is merely a dream. “Looking to the hills” No we’re not crazy! “THE HILLS”. Psalms 121: I Will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. 2. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth. Exaltation: Today; there is a national call for increased transparency, don’t worry the Holy Scriptures say “Matt. 10: 26. Fear them not therefore: for there is nothing covered, that shall not be revealed; and hid, that shall not be known.” Although this is a physics application I feel confident that we can use it as pertaining to sin and unrighteousness. “What goes up must come down.” Prov. 4: 7. Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. 14: 34. Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Job promotion Psalm 75: 6.For promotion cometh neither from the east, nor from the west, nor from the south. 7. But God is the judge: he putteth down one, and setteth up another. Advancement: When someone advances we must be careful as saints as to wait and see why the Lord allowed it to happen on our watch. 1 Sam 12: 6 And Samuel said unto the people, It is the Lord that advanced Moses and Aaron, and that brought your fathers up out of the land of Egypt. 7. Now therefore stand still, that I may reason with you before the Lord of all the righteous acts of the Lord, which he did to you and to your fathers. Greed - Covetousness - Selfishness’ Is it not clear, if so called friends or coworkers are trying to trap you or blame (as in scapegoat) you for something they certainly are not going to set the trap while you are watching. Prov 1: 17. Surely in vain the net is spread in the sight of any bird. 18. And they lay wait for their own blood; they lurk privily for their own lives. They’re looking for an opportunity to promote themselves. 19. So are the ways of every one that is greedy of gain; which taketh away the life of the owners thereof. My testimony: In December of 1967 after observing the lives of a few devout sanctified folks (in my neighborhood) for several years; I made an informed decision to change my life and become one of them; because I saw a people with a hidden strength to overcome seemingly overwhelming obstacles. I saw a people who lived their lives with their heads held high without murmuring and complaining. I asked GOD to save me and fill me with the HOLY GHOST …!!! No this was not an unlearned people that I saw, neither were they insane, but a people of understanding and wisdom, a people of grace and quiet dignity, who possessed a unique ability to adjust themselves to each situation with a flexibility that I came to admire and respect as a personal strength, a virtue, a gift, a maturity. Later I came to find that it was an endowment of the Holy Ghost. I am proud to say that I am one of them today! Yes and that was exactly what I had been looking for; oh yes that was exactly what I needed. Just look at what God has given us: 2 tim1: 7 For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. 8. Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; 9. Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 00:59:39 +0000

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