Whichever side of the political fence youre on, youre wrong.. - TopicsExpress


Whichever side of the political fence youre on, youre wrong.. There was a time when the political parties actually stood for something. They may have disagreed, but they gave voters a choice that they felt best served them, their families and their country. At some point, that paradigm shifted to become the equivalent of two rabid dogs snarling at each other, and each of the two major political parties have in essence, become the anti-opposing party. Democrats define themselves by how they are not Republicans. Republicans define themselves by how they are not Democrat. And neither side is interested in furthering the well-being of you or this country any longer. They are self-serving, power grabbing machines. They will entice, and trick you into believing that they care about you, but in reality all they care about is your vote. At the risk of contradicting myself, I do believe there remain a few good people in both parties who actually do give a shit. But the problem remains that this country is being held hostage by party juggernauts who all too often smother the voices of those in political positions that actually intend to do some good with their elected seats. They are forced to play a dangerous game, with we - the citizenry - in the balance, and also far too often on the losing side of the political war games. If you dont adhere to the standard party rules of the road you are ignored. A Republican who stands up for gay rights for example, is likely to be completely shunned by his or her party. A Democrat who voices dissent against the Affordable Care Act is likely to be shunned by his or her party. Or insert any dominant party tagline/theme/position. We are looking at the broken machinery of a system that no longer allows for individual thought, progressive thought, and the ability to stand on principle over politics. Each of the two major parties have polarized themselves to each extreme these days to the extent that most of us, left here in the middle wondering which way to turn. And yet we KEEP VOTING THESE PEOPLE BACK INTO OFFICE. This is why my voter card reads No Party Affiliation. This is why I vote Libertarian. I have stopped playing this political game, and I do NOT consider my vote wasted. The only vote wasted, in my opinion, is the one never cast. I consider it a small step taken by a few that will hopefully one day gain momentum as more people realize the fallacy of modern American politics. That in the end, we, the people can still take our country back from these asshats, and let liberty be our defining criteria once again. The alternative is to continue on, status quo and watch as these constrictive walls continue to close in tightly around us from all sides. Watch as a once great country implodes in on itself after years of corruption, power grabbing and politicking while failing to ever provide any clear direction that best serves the people in the end. Always remember, the government works for us, not the other way around. We hired them, we can fire them. You just have to be brave enough to step away from the rut that this system has carved and cast your vote based on your conscious, not because you feel you have to vote a certain way to ensure victory of one or the other parties that dont give a shit about you in the first place. Rant over. I dont intend to debate this, just getting it off my chest and moving on with my day - if anyone wants to debate, have at it, Im officially done with politics for now.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Nov 2014 14:11:56 +0000

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