While I agree with Mr Elsts contention of the importance of the - TopicsExpress


While I agree with Mr Elsts contention of the importance of the BJP shaking off the now entrenched Nehruvian pseudosecularism, whether in our academics or media or our social/economic system, I have problems with some of the statements in the article.. Anyway, it will be a sad day for India when mere development can win you the next election... Mere development?... What is mere about the economic development of India? Isnt the economic well being of the citizens of this country part of Hindu dharma? Still playing by the rules set by their enemies, they are downplaying their cultural identity and betting on societal consensus issues such as countering rape and protecting the girl child.. ... Arent countering rape and protecting the girl child part of Indias cultural identity? Isnt the protection of the citizens of this country part of Hindu dharma? Are they merely part of the rules set by BJPs/Hindus/Hinduisms enemies? As for Mr Elsts proposition of creating a pressure group to oversee an evolution and actualization of Hindu political thought.. Thats a very good idea indeed. Actually, as Mr Elst suggests, its high time for the BJP to be unabashedly proud and confident to be the representative party of Hindu Dharma, which is actually truly secular, in the best sense of the term. centreright.in/2014/08/the-modi-governments-hindu-agenda/#.U_GCp2IaySM
Posted on: Mon, 18 Aug 2014 08:30:12 +0000

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