While not all who write for Addicting Info are hucksters, I have - TopicsExpress


While not all who write for Addicting Info are hucksters, I have to agree that there is a lot of bullshit propagated by the site. And I am guilty of having shared a few items in the past that I did not vet. I am also very thankful for the folks who have set me straight when I have done so. Lets keep each other diligent in promoting honest and truthful facts. 1. Fox News is banned in Canada because it isn’t real news: I see this one all the time and people could avoid making themselves look silly by simply Googling it. The first result I get is from Snopes and it states the following, bold emphasis is mine: It is true that various sections of CRTC regulations prohibit the broadcasting of “false or misleading news” by radio and television licensees, and that in 2011 the CRTC declined to narrow those regulations to apply only to “news that the licensee knows is false or misleading and that endangers or is likely to endanger the lives, health or safety of the public.” However, it is not true that such regulations have kept the Fox News Channel from gaining entry into Canada, or that they were invoked to boot Fox News out of that country after the channel was established there. The CRTC regulations apply only to Canadian broadcasters using Canadian airwaves; they do not apply to the Fox News Channel, which is a non-Canadian entity transmitted via satellite and cable, not broadcast over public airwaves. Snopes isn’t the only website debunking this totally false claim. Politifact also addresses it, but that doesn’t stop liberals making this statement, because they want to believe it is true. I know quite a few people get upset at me for pointing out the flaws and the hucksters like Addicting Info on the left, but if we make excuses for the bad behavior such as believing blatant falsehoods and not fact-checking before reacting to stories, then aren’t we just as personally flawed as the Tea Party members we like to make fun of?
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:09:16 +0000

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