While the UK cuts benefits for the disabled, and those unable to - TopicsExpress


While the UK cuts benefits for the disabled, and those unable to work, forcing people without jobs to struggle to eat and keep themselves and their children warm… the same UK and it’s media applauds Kate and William; the biggest free-loaders of all. Two people who have never worked a day in their lives and take huge amounts from the tax-payers without giving anything back… It’s a shame our sons and daughters will grow up in a society with double standards, a society that will condemn some, yet praise others based on bloodline. Who are the real benefits cheats? Born with a silver spoon… No. Born with a full set of platinum, diamond encrusted cutlery, while we collect our mass produced plastic forks and gaze in disbelief at the ever widening gap between them and our drive through window. ‘Can I take your order?’ Drive up to the next window, it used to be named ‘opportunity.’
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 10:13:42 +0000

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