While there are instances we can go over board and abuse a child. - TopicsExpress


While there are instances we can go over board and abuse a child. I agree with Charles Barkley . Most of our parents would be in jail by todays standards. Disclaimer my mom didnt abuse me but she got with me when I was messing up and along with a combination of punishments and spankings she keep me straight. Now if you look at the optics yes the things used would be considered today abuse. But I thank my mom for loving me enough to to beat me for the bible says spare the rod spoil the child. I got beating/ spanking with hot wheel tracks extention chord tuberware strap hanger and regular belt. And for me it did the trick it did the job if I didnt want it then I needed to do what was right I turned out just fine ! So did my sister and brother and many of my cousins cause we all experienced grand ma Bertha telling us go in those woods and get me a switch. I understand the optics and it appears that Adrian Peterson may have cross the line you cant beat your kids when your angry. But to get mad a Charles Barkley for his comments on the matter is wrong. Because he simply told the truth. In the south and in the north we got out fannies warmed for being disobedience. My point of my post is people were outraged by Barkley comments but I posted this because I agree with him most kids I know experienced one or all of the above mentioned tools for corporal punishment. We should monitor children being punished or spanked ensuring its not abuse but its thin line telling people how to punish their kids cause when those same kids because of lack of punishment are disrepectful and get in trouble its the parents you coming after. I dont know what happened with Adrian Peterson. I have not seen anything his case. It very well could be abuse because it went to far. The point of this post is that back in the day many African American parents gave us corporal punishment in the north and the South. And thats the point Barkley was making is that many of our punishments back in the day would be considered child abuse today and that many of our parents would be in jail. Thats all he was saying and with this post Im agreeing this is not in defense of Peterson. #engagingthesystemletstalkaboutit
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 12:01:12 +0000

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