While we flitter in and out of resource and treasure draining and - TopicsExpress


While we flitter in and out of resource and treasure draining and ultimately losing wars on x, y and z, a revisiting of a previous ToL... as more advisors are sent into Iraq: The key is not pacifying the mob, with regards to domestic or foreign threats and the responsive use of force; just as with the rule-of-lawful-law applied to domestic individual or gang criminality, we must apply the rule-of-lawful-law, of natural law, of Gods law, to the use of force outside our borders. If the emotional or politically expedient reaction of society becomes the driver of the use of force, of the use of military force against others, rather than the prudent and appropriate application of the due process necessary to rightfully use force against other nations or groups, in self-defense only, or the defense of our legitimate allies, then we have essentially become no better than those we condemn or those we call terrorists. The key to maintenance of character in the leadership of society, of the governments we elect as a society, is the rightful and just use of power and force, only when all other measures have been exhausted. With respect to our wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, we must ensure we do not follow bad-decisions with more bad-decisions. It was clear to most who understood the centuries old battle between the Sunni and Shiite sects within Islam, throughout the region, that a classic military strategy would not apply. For as soon as one may think they have won the war and they pull out of the area, the region will, as quickly as the sand settling back into a hole in the desert, return to its old ways and divisions. This we see happening in Iraq today. There are some belief systems, isms, and schisms which are so retrograde in their basic code and DNA, that no other system can fix them. Clearly, then, to attempt to instill the principles of democracy (which only ever work with an accompanying constitutional republic and resident strong character in the society, to balance power and ensure a tyranny of the masses does not develop) in a divisive tribal and even theocratic culture, is woefully errant. It seems the only formula that has worked to keep some semblance of peace in this region dominated by Islam, is the tyrannical use of force by dictators and their supportive oligarchies, such as that of the murderous Saddam Hussein (sad but the nature of this retrograde beast). The key, therefore, is to always follow our principles and law, and that is the only use of force is: one, in clear and undeniable defense of our soil, assets and, where absolutely necessary, our legitimate allies; two, that this use of force is decisive and so complete so as to ensure victory; and, three, the definition of victory must align with our core principles of liberty and the sovereignty of other nations (clearly, given this, the way we have implemented strategy and tactics in Iraq has apparently not accomplished this task). All other efforts, then, become evil in their own right as they rationalize alternative policy that skirts the former principles, and thus go directly against the rule-of-lawful-law and sound principle. Further, they do not ensure the strategy and plan will be effective in winning. This is both tragic and immoral; tremendous investment of life and treasure is for naught. Police actions, kinetic military actions, humanitarian interventions, and any efforts disingenuously re-named and positioned like advertising for toothpaste rather than clearly stating the true cause (defense) and means (all out war to win), become evil as they prolong suffering, plunder the treasury, and leave an enemy that by definition must be wrong and evil in its attack upon a free-people and society (else we would not be at war with them), intact to threaten yet again in the future. DM Chaney Thoughts on Liberty (Repost)
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:32:12 +0000

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