White Negroes & the 8% Exit: Disappearance of the Caucasian - TopicsExpress


White Negroes & the 8% Exit: Disappearance of the Caucasian Race Self-Preservation is the first Law of Nature. The New Caucasian Race (Read for yourself) The Federal Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Directive 15, designates racial and ethnic categories used in the US Census and in other innumerable public and private research projects. According to a statement released by the American Anthropological Association (AAA), the US Government should phase out use of the term race in the collection of Federal data because the concept has no scientific justification in human biology. According to the AAA, race is no longer a relevant term. Like any other American with African Ancestry, I am obsessed with skin color. Americans have been distinguished by color, classified by color, and separated by color piloting a national Color Assault Psychosis in the subconscious of mostly Americans who have been classified as Black. Presently, there is a phenomenal remodeling by Euro-American anthropologists to genetically bombard Negroid DNA. Black and Brown people are being formulated as members of the Caucasian Race. The new term to use is ethnic group. That way the former colored people of the world are not White but live as ethnic groups. Have you ever heard of a person whose race is Puerto Rican or Cuban? That is their country of national origin--not their race. Over 80% of Cubans are Black/Negro, have African Ancestry (have Negroid DNA) but are classified as White or Hispanic in the US. The same thing goes on in Mexico where 55% of its residents have African Ancestry. This appropriates another bona fide superiority fallacy. People in the US with African Ancestry who want to be classified as multiracial can hardly wait to jump ABOARD the Caucasian Bandwagon. Disappearance of the White recessive gene is a reality unless scientists can scurry to reclassify and catalogue the dominant Black gene pool and expand recessive White Race numbers. If you want to find out more about DNA studies take note. Note: When I write about the 8 percenters, it refers to the disappearance of the European (Scandinavian/Nordic) White Race. You can do a quick examination for yourself. Go to the Population Reference Bureau Website for 2001 and add the figures together. If you take the numbers given for Europe and North America and divide by the numbers given for Africa, Asia, South America and Oceania you can calculate the percentages. At the present time, Whites amount to about 20 percent. By 2050 the percentages will be between 5 - 8%. It is estimated that by 2050 Europes population will decline not increase. All of the following countries show a minus (-) not a plus (+): Italy, Portugal, Greece, Croatia, Ukraine, Russia, Slovakia, Romania, Poland, Hungary, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Germany and Belgium. Biological Homogeneity is presenting a quandary for anthropologists who Doubletalk—re-establishing race and racial groups. One thing to think about is that a lot of countries with a minus (-) in front of the population growth category is a large group of these countries already have people who are of color and classified as Muslims with brown skin.
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 00:32:17 +0000

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