Who are you Listening to? Read Proverbs 19 Encouragement for - TopicsExpress


Who are you Listening to? Read Proverbs 19 Encouragement for the day – “Cease listening to instruction, my son, and you will stray from the words of knowledge.” (Proverbs 19:27 NKJV) Rookies can be very impressionable. When they first go to a department they tend to listen to people. Typically, rookies will listen to their instructors at fire school and their officers at the station. They will soak up every little bit of knowledge they can in order to learn. I am sure everyone would agree that rookies that listen are the best to have. I have seen however, when rookies will stop listening to the wise veterans and will do things their own way. When this happens usually something will go wrong on an emergency scene. In life we have been given all of the answers within the Bible. When we read the God’s Word we will discover that it contains great instructions on how to live life. It is not a list of rules, as some would say, that keeps us from having fun. Rather, it contains instructions on how to avoid heartaches and trouble in life. Sometimes in life we can be like that rookie who no longer listens to other firefighters and tries to do it his/her own way. Often we will put down our Bibles, stop reading it regularly, and do things our own way. Solomon warns us in Proverbs 19 that when we stop regularly reading our Bibles we will “stray from the words of knowledge”. Then it will be easy for us to fall into sin. Lord, thank you for the Bible that helps me to live my life in a way that is pleasing to you. Encouraging first responders to keep the faith!!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 09:41:48 +0000

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