Who benefits from the ACA (Obamacare)? Hint: It is not you the - TopicsExpress


Who benefits from the ACA (Obamacare)? Hint: It is not you the patient. It is not you the consumer. It is not any doctor, Dentist, PA, RN, or healthcare provider. You guessed it the Health insurance industry. Why you ask? 1. The Profits of insurance companies have increased substantially over the past three years in anticipation of ACA all of our premiums have increased over this time. 2. The insurance companies help create the foundation of the ACA through intense lobbying over the past decade which increased their Wall Street value of every major carrier 200-300%. 3. The Health insurance industry is basically free of any federal regulation a protected monopoly in every state guaranteeing a built in profit even if it is not to exceed 15% the money is finagled to show lower administrative costs. 4. Medicare Advantage plans to care for seniors is only a huge revenue generator for private insurance companies and is a farce, paying each private insurance company thousands of dollars per month, depending on a geographic reimbursement, for each and every senior who elects to change over from their conventional Medicare to the private insurance fancy plans lured in by expensive television commercials and promises. What they do not tell the unsuspecting senior is that the doctors get paid less than if they has conventional Medicare benefits, which limit the panel of healthcare providers. Forcing doctors to schedule more patients, spend less time and order more unnecessary tests to supplement their less thorough exam. 5. The change in your plan because it is not in compliance with the ACA excuse, given by insurance companies, is the loop hole they help create in the ACA to bring in more revenue to pay for the expanded coverage, even though they have been increasing your premiums for years. As they cancel your current policy or re-enroll to switch you into ACA compliant plans, has one purpose. They make more profits by giving you higher premiums, higher deductibles, higher co-pays, leaving it to your doctor to explain the details to you about your insurance benefits or lack there of. The list goes on of this complicated mess and would be an upper division 2 semester 8 college credit course to just begin to touch the tip of the iceberg on how the insurance companies are raking it in. That how they get you. Not many will waste time to investigate what is really going on. So as the media, and our overwhelmed, incompetent legislators are wasting time on this mess...The insurance companies are laughing at all of us, all the way to the bank. As our economy collapses, the government closes and sick people get less than optimal care, the insurance companies get their way. No way will there ever be an investigation of the Health insurance industry by the MEDIA, insurance companies pay handsomely to advertise in all forms of media and have lobbied heavily billions of dollars to grease OUR LEGISLATORS. How can we fix it? The Tea party, the reps, the dems? None of them matter, we need to address this in a new approach. Laws must be passed to level the playing field unlike other businesses, the insurance companies abide by their own rules. The website crap is the least of our problems so I challenge those of you out there to make a difference. Yes more Americans will get health insurance. Those with pre-existing illnesses, children up to age 26, people will have more services that are a non co-pay benefit, and more people are being covered. At what expense? Probably a collapse of the entire system. Those people necessary to support the system; the young and healthy are not interested in health insurance, only the sick uninsurable, and the people who will be supplemented by the government have an incentive to sign up. The insurance companies will continue to have a guaranteed source of revenue even if most people elect to pay the fine, our government will go broke paying the insurance industry. To lower our standards as doctors to accept less reimbursement and to be overwhelmed with patients is not an option. Pass this on to those who are unaware of the circumstances as the insurance companies of America profit at your expense both financially and physically. Looking forward to your input!
Posted on: Wed, 30 Oct 2013 03:38:24 +0000

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