Who has the Power? Your leaders would have you believe that you - TopicsExpress


Who has the Power? Your leaders would have you believe that you are not smart enough to make your own decisions about how to run your society and you need them to lead you. They hinder your education and use it to enslave you to their monetary system. They outright lie to you and keep secrets from you then claim it’s for your best interest. Your leaders think you are stupid and they are trying to keep you ignorant so they can maintain their power over you. Those in power claim you must be motivated by money to make you work then demand most of your time to make enough money. They keep you down with ridiculous minimum wage jobs while they hoard more money than they could ever need. They don’t think you can be motivated by the simple agreement to do your part. Meanwhile they reap the benefits of you doing more than your part. They live in excessive luxury while you work hard to just keep it all together every month. They manipulate the mainstream media and try to control your world view to align with theirs. They are selfish, they are short sighted, they are greedy, they are power hungry and they do not have your best interests at heart. You allow them to do this to behave this way by doing nothing or even worse by voting for their political puppets and participating in their system. You give them your power time after time and time after time they serve the best interest of themselves, banks, oil companies and big business at your detriment. Wake up! You are the majority! They are a minority. The power is yours for the taking. You are letting your leaders and those in power determine your quality of life and they are holding you back. They are deterring the evolution of our society by abusing the power you give them. Take back your power and unite as one. Gather together and protest. Make your voices heard and demand change. But don’t leave the results of that change up to them. Don’t let them fool you into accepting new leadership using the same political and economic system that is the problem that’s not true change. Think for yourself and envision the society you want to live in after that change. Our technology will allow us to share and develop those visions but it is our unified will that will make those visions a reality.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 07:15:57 +0000

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