Who is leading? Do you wake up with certain expectations that God - TopicsExpress


Who is leading? Do you wake up with certain expectations that God is going to lead your steps, or do you determine the days choices without first considering what the Almighty might have in store for you. How is your morning prayer life? Do you stumble upon divine appointments or do you look out for them with anticipation? How well do you communicate with God throughout the day? Do you just blindly drive around town looking for jobs- or firing out resumes, or do you know that there is a specific place God wills to plant you with specific purposes attached, a platform to minister from that is more than the sum of hours worked and pay received. How much do you truly embrace providence? Do you plan decisions as a member of your family that will honor everybody or do you mainly look out for the needs of your own first? How considerate are you becoming? Do you walk the streets of your neighborhood praying for opportunities to minster or share the gospel or is that part lacking in your Christian ensemble? Do you have a burden for souls? God is interested in so much, beloved. He wants us to literally be world changers! But how will this ever happen when we are not attentive to the still small voice of our great Shepherd...when were not purposing to glorify God in every step of our life...when the voice of the Holy Spirit is crowded out by the cares of this world? Stop. Recognize that you are on a kingdom mission, and include God to work your steps into His plans. Thats where true purpose is found ans thats where Jesus operates best in your life! Be blessed as the Lord leads ♡ (Proverbs 16:9) A man’s heart plans his way, But the Lord directs his steps.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 14:07:25 +0000

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