Who is your favorite supervillain of all time? Ive had time to - TopicsExpress


Who is your favorite supervillain of all time? Ive had time to really think about this... Now I am really into superhero/literary hero lore and myth, Ive always been fascinated with these epic struggles between good and evil, epic heroes and their shadowy dark halves. Among my favorite individual heroes; Superman, Batman, and Spider-Man Ive been most taken with the way they dont have just one shadowy reflection made flesh in another supervillain... they have a variety! Each villain for the respective hero is, in some way, a darker nature of said figures. Superman doesnt just have Lex Luthor... He has Bizarro, Darkseid, Doomsday, General Zod... Batman has more than just The Joker... Consider Penguin, Bane, Two-Face, Red Hood (an anti-hero, but a dark reflection nontheless), Ras al Ghul, The Scarecrow, The Riddler, etc. Spider-Man has Norman Osborn/Green Goblin... but also has Doctor Octopus, Venom, and more Im sure. Each villain is a focus of the heros good qualities, or a dark spin of them: strength, power, intelligence, the actions of a good person warped into those of a person who lives to step on others in self-service, etc... My favorite supervillain of all time..... is Lex Luthor. Darkseid and Bizarro are a close second, but Luthor has a top spot in my list. Why? Because most of Supermans enemies require superhuman powers to take him on. They can go toe-to-toe with Superman in a physical battle, and some may even have a mental edge to their advantage besides. But Lex Luthor... he needs no brute force to present a great threat to the man of steel. Picture it like this: Heath Ledgers Joker, that same hyper-intelligence but composed, refined, cultured and sophistcated into the form of a gentleman of wealth and stature. A billionaire scientist (depending on which version you choose), putting on a face of virtue but ready to demand subservience or eliminate any who defy his will. Such is Superman, one man who stands up and says to the common person that while one should be able to trust their leaders, no-one has the right to keep people under their boot. Lex seeks to destroy this man who, always to his confusion, uses his great powers to give or protect and not to take with force. Though while Superman is intelligent, Lex is often more so and uses it to his advantage. In many stories, it is that simple line of logic. Not a bad one for Lex, but I really love the take on him presented through Smallville... In this, he is portrayed as a very human character who starts his road toward villainy *with good intentions*! Hes not just evil by nature, he sadly *chooses* to act with dark measures to make things happen, believes that might makes right, and believes that he is actually doing these things to protect people. Whats more, he mistakes adoration and awe of a god who can give things with simple love. He wants love, but confuses it and doesnt understand that he doesnt have to be a modern Prometheus to be loved. In the end, he chooses to become a villain with no apologies and a desire to take apart Supermans life piece by piece. Who is your favorite supervillain? - Johnny
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 02:59:23 +0000

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