Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the - TopicsExpress


Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap. Ecclesiastes 11:4 (NIV) Ecclesiastes is learning to distinguish between the things we have control over, and the things we dont. For instance, we cant control the weather, the aging process, or the job market. Trying to control such things is futile. And waiting for the climate, our appearance or the work industry to be perfect before we embark on our dreams is just as useless. Will we never plan a picnic because it could rain? Will we not bother exercising because were going to die at some point? Will we put off training for that new job weve always wanted because the economy could turn? The message of Ecclesiastes 11:4 is: Stop procrastinating! Dont be overly cautious. Quit waiting on perfection. Staring at the clouds stops you from sowing, which ultimately limits your reaping. True, the conditions might not be perfect. Your efforts might fail. Or they might have to be repeated for months before they yield significant results. But they also might succeed! And you dont know in advance what is going to work. We cant control the rain, the locusts of life, or the size of our harvest. But we control the planting. And nothing grows that isnt first planted with energy and fertilized with prayer. Ecclesiastes teaches us our inability to control the future should lead us into diligent work, not into depressed daydreaming while we watch clouds - and others - go by. While we cant control everything, we can do something about one thing. She who stares at the clouds - waiting - does not reap. But she who plants, reaps. Rachel Olsen.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Oct 2014 10:31:54 +0000

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