Whos BIRTH CERTIFICATE is it anyway? August 14, 2013 at - TopicsExpress


Whos BIRTH CERTIFICATE is it anyway? August 14, 2013 at 9:33pm At the moment you were born, an OFFICER of an INTERNATIONAL CORPORATION, working for the STATE, in the HOSPITAL handed your Parents a FORM to fill out, but it was not really a FORM, it was a FINANCIAL INSTRUMENT called a CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH, which without your, or their knowledge, claims that you are a SEAWORTHY VESSEL and that your construction had just been completed, and you were sent down the BIRTH CANAL, and were BERTHED. 45 days later, when no one had claimed you [ACTUALLY NOT YOU, BUT THE CERTIFICATE], the STATE stepped back in to make claim of the CERTIFICATE as a SALVAGED VESSEL, and they made that claim with a newly created document called the BIRTH CERTIFICATE. The STATE paid for INSURANCE for the BIRTH CERTIFICATE, a type of INSURANCE called an INSURANCE WRAP, which gives the CERTIFICATE a MONETARY VALUE, and they placed the CERTIFICATE and WRAP into a SECURE FACILITY and received a DEPOSITORY RECEIPT. They took that DEPOSITORY RECEIPT to an INTERNATIONAL BANK and borrowed against the VALUE they created, DEPOSITED THAT VALUE into THE U.S. TREASURY and gave it an ACCOUNT NUMBER which we know today as the STRAWMAN ACCOUNT, and began trading that VALUE on the OPEN MARKET. When you reached the Age of Accountability, they told you that you had to have a DRIVERS LICENSE, MARRIAGE LICENSE, SOCIAL SECURITY CARD, and several other CONTRACTS that they never provided you full contractual disclosure on. Over the Decades since you were born, the STRAWMAN has been growing, and so have the ACCOUNTS, and the CONTRACTS that they have tricked you into making on the STRAWMANS BEHALF, and by them tricking you into committing Fraud for them, by CONTRACTING FOR A FICTION ENTITY that you have never actually Created, or Invested in, so, they create FICTION LEGALITIES for you to VIOLATE so they can tie you to the STRAWMAN in their FICTION COURTS, to hold you accountable for the physical actions of the STRAWMAN. Once you have come to grasp the difference between THE NAME YOU WERE GIVEN, and The Name You Were Given, you will begin to be able to untangle the real You, from the STRAWMAN the STATE CREATED. You were Born, but the STRAWMAN was BIRTHED, You are a Living, Breathing, Eternal Spirit, visiting this Planet to experience the limits of this flesh, but their STRAWMAN is just a Stack of Paper, with no life, and it can do nothing without a Living Being Participating for it. Stop Participating with the FOREIGN FICTION FALSE FLAG BANKING CORPORATION, and learn to make Claim of your Life, Stop letting BANKSTERS rob your life from you. To Be Continued.................. ~ Ray Cox ~ CommentShare 2 Shares Tammy Pickering Guererri and 6 others like this. Raymond Siburkis Is that why england hated the aborigonies? Corporate hated native americans? August 14, 2013 at 10:30pm · Like · 3 Larry Oneeyetechnohack Hooper Walmart and janitors life insurance policies......very similar August 15, 2013 at 6:32pm · Like · 1 Edward Johnston Ray on Claims his or her copy rights one Birth Certificate so it can not be presume for selvage ...This only Applies two or more generation of the 1866 civil right treaty the the devils contractors, Bankers of England that became the 1933 banking act and house resolution ACT 192Sign for your water basic needs life liberty and the pursuit of happiness ,, Accepted for value A4V that appliers to lawful 1866 two are more Generation of lawful American from the 14th amendment that gave the colour Americans 1867 Birth certificates ,Blacks Namely as some would say in the history book but this by the Constitutional laws are in the name of Jesus Allies to all colors and races ,(Religion is your own Damm Businessmen I dont Care.Turn off the Devils controllers TV} their is not racism unless you portray it. New treatys laws from the 1860 with the British unions members policing agents Churches and non - for profit, that gave U.S. United states for Lawful Americans, Authority over you Elected and public servants this is why they have a Privilege life under thy oath of employment and or office.,5USC2906-3331-3333 title 5-6-7-8-241-242, title es and Administration rules that applier only to the Employees of said unlawful and un constitutional corporation, To date the British licenseing ,Boat car, home,hospitals, fees called to-date devils contractors Each state made with the British Foreign Elected and public servants the new agents of Privilege employment and Honorary Citizen before the 1933 banking that made the foreigner Agents and American only, not to illegals or honoured Citizens.. Now folks its simple go to you City council meeting the lawful Americans A ask them for Your CAFR1 report of your Birth certificate We the Lawful Americans our not in DEBT, and what the Elected and public servants at your state corporation sign for the House Bills , Is this the way they bill your Strawman un-lawful property taxes then violate your fourth amendment rights, at gunpoint Instead of you just signing it off A4V ,IF That isnt, Piracy,murder,attempt to murder Destroying Lawful American familys including their own in the Name of their Strawman payment of what they called Statues and codes their Commuting treason to protect the unlawful invaders. Lawful Americans mans or womans only Born two or more generational right agree in the 1867 14th Amendment Birth certificate of life Birth in the Garden of Eden it real do you Believe in Jesus Plant food on the highways ans by way public lands public waters ways,. but you need to learn too life in it,. the God given right for one own Corporation or Familys Gain like mine, Fraud what is when do we the people make it stop. Stop preaching the devils Romans 13th .thy Shall go by the ten commandment No Victim No Crime.The First Amendment to the United States Constitution prohibits the making of any law impeding the free exercise of religion, abridging the freedom of speech, infringing on the freedom of the press, interfering with the right to peaceably assemble among other things. So why does any one of us pay any attention to any law that on its face is un-Constitutional? This amendment alone makes it clear that “the people” have a natural right to discriminate. Like, the right to associate with others for the purpose of engaging in constitutionally protected activities. Like, practicing our chosen religion free of harassment. Like, the freedom to eat what we wish, wear what we want or buy whatever strikes our fancy. This is include paying unlawful taxes..
Posted on: Tue, 11 Mar 2014 06:12:28 +0000

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