Who’s up for a little story time? Gather ’round, - TopicsExpress


Who’s up for a little story time? Gather ’round, #nerdland.I’ve a story to tell. About how Congress is running the country. For they have not done it well.Once upon a timeNot long ago A change came fast Where it used to be slow The people chose a new leader In their Capitol town And he was unlike the others For his color was brown. He came and prevailed Where those others had failed To restore the people to healthIn the times when they ailed.But alas, the leaders’ triumph. Was but a short whileFor the people grew weary With the Democrat’s style.More jobs! More money!The people did cryThough the blame was on W., They didn’t care why.The people were hungry For something new in Twenty-Ten So when Republicans came knocking The people let them in.Saying, come into our House! And make things all right! We see nothing but darkness! Please show us the light! So the people’s wish was granted But little did they know Republicans would come into their House With a Tea Party in tow.Out went the lady leader Replaced with a man With a penchant for crying And a fondness for tans. “We will work for the people!” He said with a tear“ We will correct the course! There is nothing to fear!”Alas, he would not be able To practice what he preached For he would lose his ability To keep his minions on a leash. Those Tea Party membersThey were here to stay Shouting “Who cares what you want!We WILL have our way!”“ The black man in the White House We want him to go!So when he says yes We will always say no!” We will hijack your government! We will shut it all down!Nothing will get accomplished In your Capitol town! Those minions ran wild! When they were let loose They took hold of the wheel Dragging their party’s caboose. But the people had grown weary Of the the political games They wanted something new Not more of the same. Kick them out of the House! Then change all the locks! Give my party back control! Said their President Barack.Only by then It was already too late The people let the GOP in again Now they must suffer their fate.So back to the brink They dragged the country once more But it was only the beginning Of what was in store.Because the people had lost control Of the government, for and by them And now the inmates in the crazy House Were running the asylum. Though Obama’s plan won the favor Of the highest court in the land The GOP hated Obamacare For they did not care for Obama the man.And so, we the people Must helplessly watch Our government near shutdown With each tick of the clock Paying our nation’s bills Had always happened on time But “This,” said the minions “Is where we draw the line” If it means punishing the people Then suffer they will! For we must remain in power Upon this Capitol Hill. As for the leader of the GOP? Well, he never really led Boehner lost all his power To a Senator named Ted Who talked and talkedAnd talked through the night And laughed and smiled While the GOP, they did fight Except they agreedWhen the fighting was doneThey would not budge an inch Not one single one! Their preposterous plan The Senate could not abide And so the people were dragged alongOn their Congress’s wild ride Though their leaders had closed the government Once many years before17 years laterThe people knew not what was in store So this is where I pause my story Dear #nerdland friends, For there is still a day to stop this madnessThis is not quite the end! Maybe Congress will surprise us! Maybe they will act fasterThen they have in the past And avert this disaster Which of them might save us? I know not who is able Perhaps we will find the answer When I turn to my table. So stick around #nerdland! There’s so much at stake! And we’re going to talk all about it.Right after this break
Posted on: Mon, 30 Sep 2013 22:44:59 +0000

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