Why Fresno is the poster child of bucking trends Did you feel - TopicsExpress


Why Fresno is the poster child of bucking trends Did you feel that? Did you hear it? We have full filled a prophecy. We are a tale of two cities. We have completely spilt in half. No, we have not become two actual cities but we have become this in the essence of our mindset. Fresno has bucked the trends in different aspects. True, in some instances we have followed trends, we built miles of suburbia, we built pedestrian malls, and we fled our downtown core. We even followed the trend to revitalize our downtown. But this is where we begin the revolt. There are those that want to buck the concept of the last 65 years of sprawl and unabated land consumption by focusing on downtown and infill development. These individuals are more than just city staff but actual residents who see that only containing our boundaries will bring citywide wealth and prosperity. While more residents join daily on this crusade to reverse what seems to some as an endless war. There are also those that rebel against this as nothing more than a trend or fad. They choose to buck against revitalization that is occurring in many communities and cities around the world and push for more land acquisition, more low density housing and the desire to leave Fresno the way it is. This is not out of lack of caring or a dislike for their fellow neighbor. It stems from the concept that their lives are going okay with the city and the SJ Valley the way it is and those that support revitalization and urbanization are trying to upset their lives . There are many other places that we work to go against a tried and successful system. Now, Fresno Reborn is not saying that we need to just follow the trends or the popular style because as we have mentioned before, this is how a city loses its identity. However there are some plans that had the city simply followed the tested methods, it would have proved to provide a better city for all.
Posted on: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 15:52:35 +0000

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