Why Hill Sprints Are Superior To Almost Anything You Can Do. - TopicsExpress


Why Hill Sprints Are Superior To Almost Anything You Can Do. BACK TO BASICS!!! There is a whole host of compelling reasons for incorporating this powerful training method into your overall program. They include: 1. Safety: Due to the inclined surface, maximum limb speed cannot be attained and thus serves as a safety barrier for your precious hammies! However, in the process, your posterior-chain muscles (low-back, glutes, hamstrings and gastrocs) get an incredible strengthening effect! 2. Technique: Because of the inclined surface, you are forced to lean forward as you sprint, which teaches you the proper acceleration mechanics that you would want when sprinting on a flat surface. Hill sprints actually become your sprint coach because you almost cant help but do it right! Hills sprints also teach aggressive arm and shoulder action, which is so critical for maximal acceleration. You simply cannot sprint fast up a hill without deliberate arm action. This helps teach the coordination and little-appreciated upper-body drive needed to sprint effectively on a flat surface. 3. Efficiency: Hill sprints offer great multitasking potential! You can train, catch a tan, and listen to your favorite tunes (or books on tape if youre learning junkies like we are) while you train. 4. Optimization Of The Force-Velocity Curve: Powerlifting guru Louie Simmons often uses the following analogy to explain the force-velocity curve: if you try to throw a bowling ball as far as possible, it wont go very far because the mass (read: force) is so great. If you try to throw a whiffle ball as far as possible, youll also end up with a short throw because the whiffle ball offers minimal mass to push against. A baseball, on the other hand, can be thrown far because its a perfect blend of force and velocity. Keeping this analogy in mind, hill sprints offer similar advantages... in essence; theyre basically a sweet spot between lifting and sprinting. The best of both worlds. 5. Vanity: Hill sprints are a great way to dramatically increase the caloric expenditure of an activity that already burns a boatload of calories when performed on flat ground. Again, think of hill sprints as a cross between sprinting and weightlifting. This has amazing benefits on body composition! The next time you see a major track meet on TV, pay close attention to the short sprinters: they have arguably the greatest physiques on the planet... bodybuilders included. 6. Self-Discipline: Unlike almost any other form of training, that hill has a way of making you work hard... once youve got your momentum up, you wont want to lose it, so youre actually compelled to maintain or even increase your speed. Again, the hill becomes your coach... youre compelled to work hard and youre compelled to have awesome technique... what other exercise can offer this?!? RELATED ARTICLE Discipline. We all know real champions are those who push their physiques to the limit and accept nothing but the best from themselves. Their success can be isolated to one point. Discipline! [ Click here to learn more. ] 7. Endorphin Rush: At the risk of getting all misty-eyed on you, we gotta say, completing a hill has a Rocky-esque feeling of victory (honest!) Many of our clients have reported this experience after performing hills. 8. Functionality: Lastly, sprinting is, well, functional. A lot of functional training gurus constantly push exercise balls and Bosu boards, but well place our money in a good program of hill sprints any day of the week. On Your Marks...
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 18:50:47 +0000

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