Why I moved to Austin from San Antonio, & why I moved to LA from - TopicsExpress


Why I moved to Austin from San Antonio, & why I moved to LA from Austin. Both did this for me. I dont regret either move one bit & every time someone tells me theyre moving I feel so excited for them. It broke my heart to leave Austin, & it broke my heart to leave LA. Both have their beauty & made me who I am & I am so attached to people in both. Im not saying a plane ticket or budget truck will wipe away your problems of your past, but if youre feeling stagnant, or even just curious whats out there, pick a place & go. Portland, San Diego, LA, Denver, New York, Chicago, Austin.. All such wonderful cities to try. It may empty your account.. But the EXPERIENCE will be all that this article says. It will work out, if you wait to save up, you probably wont end up going. (I understand if you have kids in school or a philanthropic mission/calling particular to your city.. But if not, take the chance.❤️) Too many people let fear of the unknown stop them from taking chances and forget that only with great risk comes great reward. Moving alone to a new place (whether it’s the other side of the country or the other side of the world) is an experience like no other: part terrifying, part exhilarating. A foreign city opens up a diverse mix of people and cultures, including locals who have vastly different perspectives and experiences to yours, and will enrich and widen your outlook on life. Make connections with anyone and everyone you want. Plus, the new people you meet will have no prior knowledge or expectations of you; it’s a totally clean slate. You need to leave your hometown to realize how big the world is and how many different ways of life are out there. People have probably told you, “The world is your oyster.” Well, it really is. Once you open your mind to the possibilities of moving and traveling, you can go wherever you want. Move like the wind. The great thing about starting afresh is that it allows you to leave your tired, cranky self behind and present the world with a whole new you. It presents you with time to rid yourself of bad habits and say goodbye to friends or lovers who no longer serve you. Explore the hidden parts of your character, figure out how your ideal self would respond to each scenario and become the person you desire to be. Once you jump in and face your fears, you’ll realize everything is possible with a bit of hard work. After conquering a new city, you’ll feel a sense of empowerment to tackle everything else in life you’ve been too afraid to try. If you start to surrender to your fear of change, you’ll never push through the wall and discover that daring, courageous side of yourself. You must feed your adventurous spirit to survive.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 06:35:56 +0000

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