Why I think we should keep Britain United. First of all, I will - TopicsExpress


Why I think we should keep Britain United. First of all, I will introduce a few things about myself, I am originally from the West country in England, but have family and ancestry from all of the countries in the United Kingdom. I think great England national chauvinism is ridiculous, and believe me so do most English people, the minority who have ridiculous anti-Scottish views generally hate everyone outside of Henley on Thames or Tunbridge Wells, so they hate most of England too. I sympathise with much of what the Yes campaigners say, many of whom had an awful time in the Thatcher years, but independence is not the right answer to it and I will explain why. The official No campaign has been a joke, they have mainly ran on fear and have been pathetic at stating. I think the Westminster system is broken and that Miliband is even more pathetic than Blair, in terms of selling out. But I do not think, Scottish independence will be the right way of dealing with it. I think a united genuinely socialist alternative is what is needed, and that will be more popular in much of England, than many would like to believe. I think the SNPs left credentials are not terribly convincing, either, I think it is fair to say that the party has a left and right wing, and the right wing can be pretty right wing, with the Education secretary arguing for privatisation of the NHS in a memo. I think there are genuine concerns to be had about the effect of independence on all of us. I do not think that you will get a country like Norway, I think what will happen is that there will likely be a tax war between Scotland and England, with public services suffering in both countries, it will overall weaken Scotland as Scotland will no longer have any mps in a United parliament able to resist this. I think independence may allow divide and rule tactics to be implemented against the populations of both countries. In Britain it is the class divide that is causing the problems, not England versus Scotland. The people of Govan and the people of Liverpool have a hell of a lot in common, as they do with people in Merthyr tydfil and much of East London. Salmond has revealed that he will likely go down this route. It will likely make mobility between England and Scotland worse too (and I mean both ways), with people in either country likely to need residency before being able to work there, as we will have two sets of National insurance numbers. The economic security of both countries will be better too when United, England does benefit from the Oil, but Scotland also benefits from the biotech industries in Cambridge, for example. It is good that you can trade with one part , even with both countries in the EU, there will be more hasstle In a united country, your risk is a lot more spread out,if you are I generally believe that cooperation will be better than competition. It also makes sense to be Myself I do not defend the status quo, but argue for a united Socialist Britain,this view has the potential to be popular than many would believe, especially in the industrial cities. It would be best to have a united, fairly powerful country in order to do this, as two smaller countries would find themselves more exposed. If we did this, we could really make full use of the resources both England and Scotland have to offer. I think there are cultural reasons to keep Britain united too, I think one of the best things about the United Kingdom is that you have other cultures co-existing with each other in the United Kingdom and within Scotland itself for that matter, the Hebrides and Glasgow are pretty different after all. I think it would be ridiculous to separate two countries that really do have a lot in common, a common philosophical tradition, similar legal traditions. I see no reason. I think in this day and age, wanting to draw a border and saying, these people on the other side are foreigners, they are different from us, I think we are one human race and that creating divisions will not allow us to achieve our potential. Thanks for reading, and please feel free to disagree.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 13:16:58 +0000

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