Why Plexus and Why Now from a medical professional: Friends: - TopicsExpress


Why Plexus and Why Now from a medical professional: Friends: here’s the reasoning behind “why plexus?” and “why now?” 1. The signature products Plexus-Slim and the accelerator WORK, no ifs, ands, or buts about it! The other products do too; but let’s just keep it simple. 2. Two years ago Plexus Worldwide posted just over $300k in sales. Last year this number increased to $35 million. This year the company is on track to hit and is actually projected to exceed $100 million in sales. Additionally, Plexus Worldwide just accepted an award for making the top ten list of the fastest growing companies nationwide! 3. (1+2) Plexus is a relatively new multi-level-marketing (MLM) company whose signature product is barely three-years old. Most of the other “MLM’s” out there (which will remain nameless) have already been in existence 10+ years and they generally have millionaires at the “top” (those who signed-on in the beginning: read – the first 3-5 years) with trickle-up compensation plans that reach all the way to the apex, therefore making true financial independence only attainable for a select few. Putting this quite simply, a good liberal-progressive might suggest that in a traditional mlm everybody is working hard for ‘THE ONE PERCENT’ at the top that’s holding everyone else in the company at bay. Well, here is where PLEXUS is DIFFERENT: this company’s dynamic compensation plan rewards the network that YOU create by compensating only your immediate up-line, you as an individual ambassador, and eventually the team that you help to create. The only requirement is to be willing to both promote the products and educate the public, which is often very easy because Plexus Ambassadors are generally “products of the product” of which everyone has already noticed a change [for the better] in both appearance and attitude. Speaking of attitude, the enthusiasm and zeal of Plexus Ambassadors is rooted in a passion to share with their-own family and friends just how wonderful they’re feeling because of the products. This, combined with a mindset that is essentially free from the uncertainty of knowing whether or not they are doing the gruntwork for a privileged few that sit at the pinnacle, oftentimes motivates a “teamwork/togetherness” approach that bridges/ links the entire network, which [in effect] creates a company-wide “family” atmosphere in which everybody helps everyone else, thereby [in essence] avoiding the drudgery that often results from receiving only minimal compensation for extraordinary effort as the true money sifts its way to those at the tiptop. What I’m saying is that with Plexus Worldwide, true financial independence was and is readily available both yesterday and today, and will be attainable each and every day that follows. It matters not when you decide to do it, it only matters whether or not you decide to do it. All of that being said, my name is John. I have a Master’s degree in nurse anesthesia from Kansas University and have been practicing for nearly ten years, in addition to being the author of “What I Was Not Necessarily Taught about Anesthesia” – 3rd edition hard copy soon to be available (2nd ed. currently available on the itunes store). I’m also a Plexus Worldwide Ambassador, as well as being a “product of the product” – having lost in excess of 30 pounds. Thanks to this company, plexus worldwide and my wife – the beautiful Sara (sapphire ambassador), anesthesia, which I’ve always enjoyed, has nevertheless become less like a job and more like a hobby as I’m finding myself “calling-in rich” more and more. I wish I could take credit for this; but the truth is my wife signed-up to do this two-years ago against my vehement objections to the contrary and declarations that she was signing-on to sell snake-oil (!) and was going to ruin her reputation (unlike myself, she still had one). My oh my, did I ever have to eat crow with egg all over my face!? Look… this is what I see in this particular company: an opportunity with minimal risk and investment and the potential for a maximal return. I know because not only am I living it, my in-laws are living it, their hairdresser is living it, and numerous other friends and family are, too. I’ve seen numerous friends and family quitting their jobs thanks to the decision they made to listen to my wife. You might think to yourself “it’s not for me”. You, like myself in the past, may think there is more “honor” somehow in working a “traditional” 40hr/week job. I am here to tell you that is a lie; and a deceitful one at that which is unfortunately ingrained into our society. Personally, I went nearly $100k in debt to pay for the training in my “traditional job” – only to be rewarded with a government that’s taking over healthcare and reimbursing pennies on the dollar for the services that I render… and insurance companies are following their lead; all while malpractice insurance premiums continue to soar out of control and benefits are taken away on what seems like a weekly basis. Traditional job!? Nope; I am sold hook, line, and sinker for network marketing and plan on riding the wave for the rest of my life. This is “My Plexus Journey”. Start your’s today… or tomorrow, or the next day. There is no pressure. Try the product out first. If you need a sample, contact me. It doesn’t really matter “when” you decide to do it. Honestly, it really doesn’t matter if it’s on my team. Really… just take a leap and go for it! You do not have to be a salesperson for this to work for you. You just have to care about people. Id love the opportunity to share more information with you! plexusslim/gabbiee
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 13:52:08 +0000

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