Why The Governments Involvement In 9/11 Still Matters When I - TopicsExpress


Why The Governments Involvement In 9/11 Still Matters When I sat watched these planes hit the twin towers I knew that the government was behind this, as a matter of fact I expected something like this when the Supreme Court intervened in the election and put that rat bustard Bush in office. Unfortunately, when I started my own investigation and started talking with people about what I uncovered, I was called crazy and even threatened to be run out of town. Now after thousands of lives have been lost and billions of dollars have found their way into the corrupt politician’s bank accounts, America has seen our budget surplus disappear into thin air and the country has been plummeted into the worse economic chaos since the great depression, the conspiracy pot is still being stirred. Certain questions are not being asked often enough, like, how could airplanes full of cash headed for the Middle East disappear without an investigation and how could Bush, Cheney and the whole Bush administration be pardoned ahead of the ruling of the world courts convicting them of war crimes? Let’s not forget the anthrax scare and Senator Paul Wellstone (D) and why his whole family died in a plane crash. People have forgotten that consequently he was leading an investigation to expose that the Bush administration organized 9/11 before Bush even took office. What role did the energy talks early in 2001 now protected under National Security play in 9/11? Why were Oil Companies and other Energy Companies involved in these talks? Remember they said, We have developed a national energy policy designed to help bring together business, government, local communities and citizens to promote dependable, affordable and environmentally sound energy for the future. What was the Bush administration really hiding? For those who still believe in Santa Clause, the Wizard of Oz, the Easter Bunny and the governments take on 9/11, no amount of evidence will ever convince you that the government was involved 9/11, your mind is already been tainted beyond the point of no return. For the rest of the population who have resisted the spoon-fed GMO version of the government’s story about these attacks, you already know about all of the evidence that is out there showing the truth. Many of you think that none of this matter’s anymore, but it does matter! The majority of American’s have been duped and continue to be lead by the nose by the people in power who are pushing their agenda that is far more evil than anything this world has ever seen. Our Constitutional and civil rights continue to be eroded by the US government with little or no resistance. 9/11 was the most blatant test that the American people could be influenced to do pretty much do anything, as long as you slip in words like patriotism, religion, terrorist and loss of freedom, the American puppets would dance to any tune that is playing. The truth is out there, the question becomes “Are you able to handle that truth”? Watch some of the historians, scholars, ex-White House employees and legal minds present the facts, then decide if you are going to continue living like a bunch of well trained monkeys or not. It’s time to WAKE-UP AMERICA! https://youtube/watch?v=4fUT7XgLiTY https://youtube/watch?v=X1t5anm6Uyo https://youtube/watch?v=wRQ9r5Vc9-o https://youtube/watch?v=DPwwcXF_V0c https://judicialwatch.org/press-room/press-releases/cheney-energy-task-force-documents-feature-map-of-iraqi-oilfields/ oilempire.us/wellstone.html
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 13:53:21 +0000

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