Why Unconditional Love Unconditional love is the most creative - TopicsExpress


Why Unconditional Love Unconditional love is the most creative expression known to man. Through each age and era of civilization, human history records it as the highest attainment of any spiritual journey. Often relegated to the honorable elite of saints, mystics, angels and world teachers, unconditional love is considered by most of us as the ultimate ideal. However, except for a notable few who achieved this precious understanding, it is frequently regarded as an unattainable goal of our earthly journey. What if this perspective is incorrect? What if each of us is capable of embodying this same level of unconditional love? Think for a moment, these emissaries of love were common people who attained profound results in their lives. By going within to understand their potential, they achieved a level of personal consciousness that was worthy enough to stand against all time and leave a lasting note upon the pages of our past. They left a marker in chronological time of something more. Each of them reminded us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and are already fully capable of love. Their message and actions were always that of peace, equality, and brotherhood: truly they became a living expression of unconditional love. You may ask, Why should I pursue unconditional love? The answer is simple. Why not? Look around your daily life and you will quickly realize that to live in fear, hate, doubt, lack, greed, lust, anger and the like, creates a very different world than one filled with love. The people and the planet are suffering greatly from a lack of understanding of unconditional love. Respect, forgiveness, wisdom, compassion and peace have generally become idealistic concepts rather than be put into daily practice. Understandably, when fear and doubt catch our attention and the illusion becomes more real than a thought or feeling of love, we experience chaos as we see today. The world could use a few more unconditionally loving people like you, wouldnt you agree? Many years ago I began following a deep inner prompting to study and experience this notion of unconditional love. I realized early on if the various messengers of the past had only one universal message of love, there must be a truth to pursuing it. Through ongoing research, contemplation and application of the highest and best understandings, and by learning to cultivate and generate love personally, I have come to realize unconditional love is truly within each of us all the time. No longer just a utopian fantasy or act of divine providence, unconditional love is real and tangible and can be brought into our daily lives. It does not matter how old or young you are, whether male or female, rich or poor, intellectual or artist, theologian or scientist, or any other label you may associate with, each of us has the ability to express unconditional love. Now here comes the part that usually causes the greatest consternation and why most do not even begin to attempt to understand this universal love: unconditional love is the most simple and difficult experience to achieve. Simple in that we all have the ability to change our perspectives on life, difficult because we usually resist making change. It is our resistance to any form of change that creates the greatest roadblock to embracing unconditional love. It appears easier to hold on to the security of yesterday than to embrace the potential of tomorrow. Why? Because in the current moment we have to make a choice as to which world we want to believe and experience. Most people take the path of least resistance and remain in the limited and false security of old ways rather than make any effort to create a new perspective and a new experience. In other words, we usually succumb to fear and doubt instead of embracing unconditional love. Not surprisingly, embracing change through love is the easier way in the long run. Our limited view on reality is the pivotal aspect as to whether we live each day in love or in fear. Both are merely personal perspectives, yet each invokes a different experience of reality and stems from our narrow or broader understanding of the moment. We see examples of this every day in our lives and of those around us. Choices made, or not made, resulting in different consequences. All the while, the true underlying issue is how do we view each moment in our thoughts and feeling? What beliefs do we hold on to and how do they color our perspective. Ironically, our actual daily experiences are of less consequence than the judgments, opinions or beliefs we hold about them. These limiting and conditional perspectives are what cause our greatest challenges. Unconditional love is a journey of grand potential. When we choose to become ever more present in each moment and consider the perspective of love in each thought and feeling, everything changes. We become inclusive rather than exclusive, collaborative instead of competitive and we release doubt and fear and replace it with joy and compassion. Unconditional love will always have its unique meaning and experience to us personally, while simultaneously creating a universal connection to each other. Life itself continues on whether we choose to love with or without condition, yet when we invoke unconditional love, the experience of life becomes exquisite, elegant, enjoyable and full of meaning. Harold W. Becker
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 22:06:14 +0000

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