Why Wednesday! By: Command Chief Master Sergeant Robert Lee A - TopicsExpress


Why Wednesday! By: Command Chief Master Sergeant Robert Lee A big “Hello” to all the Florida Air National Guard Members across the great State of Florida. I will be retiring this year and Brig. Gen. Eifert recently announced the selection of CMSgt Jerry Gardner to replace me as the State Command Chief. As the outgoing State Command Chief, I wanted to share my “Why” for serving for over 31 years. As with many who have posted on here, my “Why” has changed over the 31 years I have served. I will start by sharing why I decided to serve in the first place. I remember approaching high school graduation and wondering what I wanted to do with my life. I had been accepted by Purdue University, but the idea of four more years of school was not very appealing. I wanted dot get into the workforce and start my life. I decided to take a look at the military. My father had served in the Army, my girlfriend’s father had served in the Air Force, and most of my Uncles had served in the Army, Navy, and Marines and they all had nothing but good things to say. I decided the military would provide me training in electronics that I could use the rest of my life and pay me while doing it. After attempts to join the Navy, they don’t have screen doors on submarines, and the Army, they wanted to put me in a bunker in Europe and let me fire missiles, I met with the Air Force recruiter and on 31 May 1983 I found myself on my way to Lackland AFB, TX. In the first seven years, I completed basic training, received my training, and started my military career. However, my “Why” stayed pretty much the same. I was receiving training and pay. I was serving as a Technical Training Instructor at Keesler AFB, MS when Iraq invaded Kuwait and OPERATION DESERT SHIELD and OPERATION DESERT STORM soon followed. This was the first time it really sank in that I was part of something with a bigger purpose. I was one of the small percentage of Americans who wore the uniform and was responsible for the protection of our great nation and others around the world from aggression. What a proud feeling that was. Pride and the desire to give back to the country who had given me so much became my “Why”. In October 1991, I decided it was time to take my training and try civilian life. In December of that same year I realized a part of me was missing. I did not have the feeling of being part of something with a bigger purpose. I did not have the camaraderie or structure I had while in the military. I did not feel that pride I had felt while part of the military. I decided I was not finished serving and joined the Indiana Army National Guard. In 1997 I took a job in Florida and transferred to the Florida Air National Guard. My “Why” was the same, to serve our great nation and to be part of something with a bigger purpose. My “Why” was reinforced when I sat at work on the morning of September 11, 2001 and watched as the news reported a commercial plane had crashed into one of the Twin Towers. Then watched the second plane crashed into the other tower in real time. I didn’t know this would be the start of over a decade of war on terrorism. I just knew I wanted to serve and do what I could to make sure an act like this never happened again. Since that horrible day, I was blessed with the opportunity to serve as a First Sergeant, deploy in support of OPERATION IRAQI FREEDOM and OPERATION NEW DAWN, and to serve as the State Command Chief for the best Air National Guard in the 54 States and Territories. After 31 years, I still have my “Why”. It still burns inside of me. It will never go away. However, we all reach a point in life when it is time to step aside and now it is that time for me. As a civilian or a member of the military, I will always be here to serve this great State and Nation if called upon. The Florida Air National Guard is the greatest Air National Guard, in the greatest country in the world. It has been an honor serving with you. Know your “Why”. Adjust it as needed, but never lose it. Continue to serve. Watch for next week’s “Why Wednesday!” as new selected State Command Chief, CMSgt Jerry Gardner shares his “Why”. It has been an honor, Chief Lee
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 15:00:00 +0000

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