Why are you defending evil Mahama when his evil actions are so - TopicsExpress


Why are you defending evil Mahama when his evil actions are so obvious? Blockheads of the day are following Mahama for cars, t shirt and money to deny the future generation free SHS education. Seduced by vague promises, platitudes, and no knowledge of history, economics or the world. What will happen when reality sets in and the economy doesn’t improve resulting in more and more Ghanaians finding themselves in penury with no hope of getting out of it? That’s going to happen, soon, thanks to Mahama. What will happen when Mahama’s politics of tribe, class, envy, payment of illegal settlement debt, division, vilification and entitlement result in huge, violent riots throughout Ghana? Not demonstrations, not civil disobedience, riots. They will happen, soon, thanks to him. What will happen when the cost of fuel and other staples, like food and shelter, skyrocket and become basically unaffordable for many if not most Ghanaians? That will happen soon, thanks to Mahama. Vote out corrupt Mahama before he destroys Ghana. Mahama is arrogant, desperate, corrupt, womanizer and evil. Mahama is too violent; he showed his arrogant when Nana Addo asked how he is mismanaging our country as a care taker after he killed Mills. He killed Mills because he was tired of his position. Mahama is the most dangerous politician in Ghana. Can Ghana survive another four years with Mahama as president? Maybe, maybe not is the answer but if it does there will be constant bickering and fighting, enormous suffering and a great deal of violence and bloodshed, thanks to Mahama. Vote him out before he sells us.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 06:24:32 +0000

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