Why do I put my full faith and trust in Jesus Christ? That is - TopicsExpress


Why do I put my full faith and trust in Jesus Christ? That is a question that is either asked of someone else or to even ourselves in those quiet moments of solace. Well, I cant answer for anyone else but myself. But this is why I worship Jesus Christ. And not anyone else as great, as wonderful and beautiful as people are and the tremendous good that they have done in this world. Jesus Christ has proven who He is. The very Son, the Only Begotten Son of the Living God. Even, the Living Christ. What other man or God has ever been born, died and was resurrected fully in mind, body and spirit? Thats very reliable evidence that should convince us that Jesus Christ is who He declared He is. If He hadnt done those things that He said He was going to do and then did it. He couldnt be trusted. He couldnt have influenced people anymore than has Buddah, Mohammed and others who are respected for the good theyve done. Not overlooking all the evil theyve done as well, in Mohammed case. But Jesus Christ is perfect in everything that He taught, the way He lived, the way He died and the way that He was resurrected. Thats pretty reliable evidence, thats pretty trustworthy and that is someone who we can truly believe in and put our full trust in. Jesus Christ is indeed who He says He Is. After His resurrection He came to His Apostles and ate and drank with them. They touched the wounds of the nails in His hands and feet. They spoke with Him face to face. This is not philosophical. This is historical evidence. He was also seen by over 500 witnesses after His resurrection. There have also been written over 5200 accounts of Christs resurrection by non-secular individuals. The evidence of Jesus Christ being the very Son of God is overwhelming evidence of who and what He is. Thats extremely valuable when it comes down to who one worships as their God. If your betting your future on some God. To believe in Jesus Christ is not only intellectual honesty but extremely reliable. Jesus Christ is who we can put our whole faith and trust in. He is reliable. He is trustworthy. He is everything that He claims He is. He Is the Living Son of the Living God. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. :-)
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 11:36:54 +0000

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