Why do all these douchebags who are so eager to impose stringent - TopicsExpress


Why do all these douchebags who are so eager to impose stringent regulations on women and their bodies seem to think women get pregnant all by themselves, and should bear sole responsibility for their actions that cause them to become pregnant? I wonder how theyd like it if we passed laws making MEN solely responsible for every woman they impregnate and the children they create? Men would by law, have to totally and completely support the woman in every way (including financially) during her pregnancy. Men would have to compensate the mother for her time off work AND physical suffering during pregnancy, childbirth, and recovery, and any and all permanent damage to her body from pregnancy/delivery. Men would have to take leave from work to be home with the child until the child is old enough to go to daycare, yet still be financially responsible for the child and any loss of income or career or other opportunities the woman he impregnated experienced as a result of her pregnancy. Men would have to take leave when the kid is sick to be home with them, AND have to take the time off to ferry the kids to all their well-child checkups and vaccinations, to and from daycare, to and from preschool, and to and from school, plus all their extra-curricular activities, and be there for them when they get home from school (while still successfully juggling their careers). Men would be required by law to provide not only financial support for all the basics -- food, clothing, etc, but also be required to provide the kid with health insurance, and a good education, including college education -- no exceptions. How would they like THOSE kind of regulations imposed on THEM and THEIR actions that cause them to impregnate women? Women are told if they dont want to be mothers, they should keep their legs closed. Well, men who dont want to be fathers should keep their dicks in their pants.
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 14:57:49 +0000

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