Why do people fail? Tests, examinations and even temptations are a - TopicsExpress


Why do people fail? Tests, examinations and even temptations are a reality that no one can escape. Undertaking any discipline of study, work or advance in life will bring us face to face to times of testing. Those are times in which we need all our faculties concentrated on the subject at hand, so that we can successfully pass those tests. The benefit of testing Test are not bad. Actually, they are even good, because they propel us to a higher level of learning or living. We will be better qualified after passing examinations and tests. What is bad however is failing the tests that we face in life. I am sure, we all have succeeded in tests as well as we all may have failed the one or other examination or temptation in life. Why failure? Every time we fail the question on our mind is “why”? Could failure have been avoided and how? Reasons can always be found. Maybe we did not study or train enough or in the wrong disciplines. Maybe we did not prepare well enough mentally, physically or even spiritually. When we look at the first failure, that of Adam and Eve who lived in a perfect environment, we may wonder, what made them fail, as they were not loaded with the luggage of previous failure and were privileged to operate in Paradise. Why could they not withstand the temptation to break the one and only law that existed in the Garden of Eden? (Genesis 2.16-17) If you have hard, manual work to do, you must prepare yourself adequately by eating nutritious food, that will supply the energy for you to get the job done. Not eating sufficiently will leave you exhausted and unable to complete your assignment. Athletes are known to watch very carefully, what they eat and how much they eat. The right kind of diet can decide about winning or losing. Missing the bread of life If it is already important to watch our food intake in order to get a desired output, it is even more important to understand the spiritual realm and the consequences of the right intake of spiritual food. Coming back to our question, why did Adam and Eve fail in temptation, we must not only consider what they did, but even what they did not do. God had prepared a wonderful garden full of good food, which was all available for man to consume. However, there was one tree which God called the tree of life. (Genesis 2:9) In studying the Word of God we learn, that this tree is a representation of Christ, who is the bread of life. The fruit of this tree had life qualities, that would enable man to live eternally and to overcome whatever temptation that would confront their lives. While other trees provided food for the body this tree provided life itself. Man does not live by bread alone as provided by almost all the trees in the garden, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God as provided only by the tree of life (Matthew 4.4). Unfortunately, Adam and Eve never ate from that tree (Genesis 3.22). Consequently, they did not have the ability to deal with the temptation when it confronted them. The same is happening to us today, if we neglect the Word of God, because we then neglect Christ, the bread of life. All other nutrition cannot make us stand and overcome in the tests and temptations of life. To avoid failure we need to nourish our life on Christ, the bread from heaven. When did you have your last LIFE meal? helmutreutter
Posted on: Fri, 14 Jun 2013 16:09:33 +0000

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