Why do u Read books on how to Live? Majority is unBalanced with - TopicsExpress


Why do u Read books on how to Live? Majority is unBalanced with Us, Animals, and Mama Earth... This is Global! We are the Beginning/the Start of imBalancement. Dere for Majority is unbalance... The help of guidance is In some Animals, and in some Children dat is Not Infected, Not Contaminated with Poison Chemicals, and Not intaking Dead use to be Living Beings... Look and pay attention to some Animals and some Children. U Will den see dat the Animals Know and Will Remind u how to survive (and git along with each other). The Children Will Remind chu how to be U/Free with No worries... U as the Parents/Guardians Teach dem to be Slaves to the System, and how to operate as a Robot and be a Zombie... U teach dem to put Value to toys, fiat paper/debt paper/promissory notes... U even teach dem to Value, Love and put up with different Beings like Family, Friends/different Energies and Vibrations dat is Not Balanced for U or dem... U teach dem to learn the Birth Certificate Name which is the (STRAWMAN/CORPORATE NAME/Legal Fiction/Legal Person/ALL CAPS/Legal Entity, etc) to be dem when it is NOT dem or U... U even teach dem dat dey are Black, White, etc. Dat dont even have a Nationality... Know who u Are. So u can Remind dem who dey are;-) let All dats Within Reflect out (just like All within Mama Earth reflects out;-) The Animals back den wasnt like how dey are now. Dey Learnt from Us... So who are the Global Changers? We are! As the Supreme Beings. Its on Us to wake up and be the Balance it was/We once was... Our imBalancement and what We do is Global... This spreaded like a Virus on Resident Evil... We come together and Womb/Manifest the Highest/Supreme Conscious of the Supreme All;-) just like dey do Jesus, Yahweh, muhammad, etc (calling on different entities dey no not what type of Energies dey are). It is just like Captain Planet;-) do u Remember dat show? (Earth, Fire, Wind, Water, Heart) when ur Powers combine I Am Captain Planet. It was a man dho instead of a Wombman... But u git the point dho... All Life Starts in the Womb Inner den Outer. Only the Womb can Create Life. So the Womb is Highly, Supremely Respected;-) All other Creation outside the Womb is 2nd and We All can do;-) Creating Life is top/High Degree, Supremely;-) and All other Creation is lesser... We Need each other. Man need Wombman and Wombman Need Man. None is over the other. We 50/50 in this;-) We are here to be Interdependent, Not Independent... Just look at the Animals dat still Lives by Natural/Nature Laws... This Will help u realize dat chu Never Needed a book to be U/to be Free. The books is part of why u Forgot this, certain Writers is part of why u Forgot this (even online and offline)... Animals Never read a book... Dey had No Distractions but Us... We were and Are deir Distractions... Dey Know how to go Within and be who dey are. Dey were and in tune with Nature/Self and deir Surrounding... So dere is No need to read what someone else wrote, On how to be U/Free... A Writer can lead a Reader in whatever direction dey want to lead dem in... When u hear someone say Meditate/go Within. Dont look at it like its something hard to do... Just drop All Distractions (Books, Tvs, Computers, Phones, none Balanced Friends, Family, etc), and Do it! Stop being the Excuses and be the Solutions... All dese Distractions are Not worst. Dey are only Worst when u have No Sense of direction (meaning u just use dem for imBalanced, Twisted Reasons...) When u Know Self/tune in Self... All of dese Electronics (and Books), Will be help to Reach out to Other Living Beings in the Best way, to help dem wake up by being the Spark in deir Minds with ur Knowledge and Wisdom, to help dem recognize deir Knowledge and Inner Wisdom... So Im Not against Electronics and Books... It is just most Dont Know how to use dem. and using dem in the Worst way, Will train u, and Slave u Mentally... U Learn whats New, and Remember whats Old!;-) Peace&Love! Im Mout!!!💨 I Am Nature Energy Being!!!
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 21:17:08 +0000

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