Why do we need to Have Revolutionary Parliamentary model ? - TopicsExpress


Why do we need to Have Revolutionary Parliamentary model ? (Part-1) This has been a topic of discussion and debate for many years now. Indian political parties will not discuss nor debate on this alternative form of government. It is not in their interest. Presidential form of government with TWO party system nobody from the political class want to adopt. And the reasons are obvious. They are more political than objective. The political parties like RJD, JDU, SP BSP and others who are enjoying present form of government because of its loose ends, they feel threatened to consider any other form of government. Because their very political existence will be threatened and they will extinguish like Dinosaurs. Their political prominence in Indian politics will be finished. Can they afford close their political shops and supermarkets? Impossible. This is where you can understand their political dishonesty and national pride they lack in changing our political system. Their personal and family interests are deeply involved for years and they will lay their lives even to stop you from even debating any other model of parliamentary Democracy. Let country go to hell. My political existence depends on this political system with lot many loop holes in it that allow political mischief anytime where a government can be challenged, shaken and collapse by ONE VOTE. It is important because it is their Bread, Butter, Jam, Cream and Ghee too. So why will political parties will think ever of changing our political system? It works perfectly well for all of them. But thinking class of this country needs to consider why this present political system is not working fine for this country? Our Democracy is not the problem nor our constitution. The problem is our political class which is often self serving and taking Democratic freedom for granted. The constitutional freedom given to us is misused, abused. Freedom comes with Responsibility. Freedom means not anarchy nor a license to behave and ACT whichever way one wants. Arvind Kejriwal is a classic example of this. He talks in public forum whatever he wants. His AAP members use offensive language in public and accuse anybody without showing any evidence? and when questioned... again arrogantly accuse you... you are paid, sold, and should be in lock-up? What kind of freedom he is professing? Look at it...a person born in politics just yesterday wants to take-on the world with his arrogance and Hypocrisy? People like Arvind Kejriwal who come up like mushrooms and want to demolish principles of democracy and its established values can only live and with phenomenal growth because of this political system that does not have checks and balances. We the people surely need to demand political Reforms on top priority after 2014 elections and put pressure on the elected government with civil society demand for electoral change along with our crusade against corruption. Annajee has been vocal about electoral reforms for years and its time next government must be pushed for these reforms. I have been thinking about grey areas in our political system and boldly I am outlining where we need to focus for change to strengthen our Democracy. in my Part-2 article you ll see my views. See Part-2 continuation of this. Ajay Angre author, Writer, Publisher
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 06:09:30 +0000

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