Why does our generation make quitting look so easy?? In my time - TopicsExpress


Why does our generation make quitting look so easy?? In my time in the industry of affiliate marketing Ive seen thousands of people smirk, smile, dream, have a glimmer of hope in their eye & launch their business. And Ive seen them frown, cry, point fingers, even get hostile, post videos on youtube claiming scams & quit faster than their they cheated in a relationship.Ive seen em quit faster than opponents of mine I watched give up in quarter 3 of 4. Ive seen em quit so fast that the skinny kid with glasses everyone picked last for dodgeball suddenly looks like the greek god Achilles! Ive seen em quit that fast.…. Let me tell you… Ive seen some quitters in my day. Ive also seen some winners. Why have you quit or someone you know quit?? Vemma, Amway, Visalus, real estate, firefighting, football, basketball, artistry, cross fit, whatever… Whats the (not absolute) but most often than not determining factor for giving up?? Product? ehhhh. Price? Raise your leadership lid. Timing? Get out of here with that. THE DETERMINING FACTOR IS YOU. Its you, heres why its you; some of yall never REALLY felt pain before. Every time the set was hard, you racked the weight. Every time an argument or issue came up with your significant other you related it to an argument you saw your parents or someone to, thought to yourself f*** this and pointed the finger.You woke up hungover, your head hurt and ditched class. Your calves hurt so you didnt finish the gasser. Your parents told you it cant be done so you caved just because BIOLOGICALLY they created you. The one time you risked something, it didnt go as planned and you held onto that pain til this very second, you breathe it to this day. I was giving a coaching point tonight to a friend of mine and she said You drive me bonkers. I replied No I dont, I make you better. I point out the flaws in your belief system the same as you jogging on a treadmill causes you to sweat, its forcing out the weakness. Im helping you force out your weakness. Listen, this thing is NOT easy. I remember walking up to her bed, kissing her on her forehead and saying bye to my mother as a 12 year old. I remember being slammed against a glass wall by a 300lb monster, helmet popping off, crawling off the field & being lifted over the wall back to our bench because I didnt know my left from right. I remember staring a district attorney in the eye as he wanted to try and tell me I was a convict that deserved 25+. I REMEMBER my father and I profusely crying on each others shoulder wondering why, why her. I remember laying in bed as a 19yo with a frantic girlfriend trying to comfort her through a miscarriage. I remember the feeling of negativity, I could literally feel the negative energy in the room, it was suffocating, like it was on my shoulders…. It was exhausting. I remember it all. I also remember WINNING. I remember the life principles my mom taught me. I remember getting back into the game and leading a comeback win with a partially fractured shoulder. I remember the truthful innocence. I remember the looks my dad & I give each other every time we make eye contact like an unspoken acknowledgement that NOTHING could come between us. I remember accepting Christ into my heart, I remember that power. I remember reading think and grow rich. I remember overcoming. I remember snapping, breaking and crutched to my knees in the bathroom DECIDING I WAS DONE LETTING LIFE HAPPEN TO ME AND I WAS GOING TO HAPPEN TO LIFE. I encourage you to snap. I encourage you to get right spiritually. I encourage you to look yourself in the mirror. I encourage you to forgive your lack of past efforts. I encourage you to set new goals. I encourage you to be courageous. I encourage you to dream. I ENCOURAGE YOU. We get 1 chance at this thing; how many of our friends and loved ones do we have to lose for you to realize that our last day is any day. Your belief isnt there? find a mentor, borrow theirs. Thats where I started. You dont believe? Borrow mine. Borrow a mentors. Borrow GODS! BUT BELIEVE DAMMIT!! You believe right now. Stop quitting, stop whining, cut the BS, focus, give up to go up. Were all Gods highest form of creation, I decided to accept that a few years ago. Your turn, take the torch. Reach out. Believe. Never lose, learn. But for Gen Ys sake, stop giving up, otherwise the next Gen is screwed. I refuse to leave them leftovers; Theyre coming to the table hungry & theyre gonna eat if I have to die. LEGACY > CURRENCY #WIN2015 **tag those that need this**
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 07:30:05 +0000

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