Why does there seem to be a common misconception that if we vote - TopicsExpress


Why does there seem to be a common misconception that if we vote Yes, EVERYTHING ends, all educational relationships, medical facility sharing, cross border initiatives, travel, fiscal coherence, financial stability, political efficiency, taxation, air, water, atoms, dark matter etc. Like somehow England provides all this sustenance from the goodness of her heart to feed all the hanger on-ers such as Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland? Why does nobody but me, seem to see that NONE of the existing social, commercial, medical and educational and logistical cross border parts of our lives are going to change that much, do we really think Westminster will be petty enough to tear up all these arrangements, thereby producing a deficit for their own electorate in many areas? What is simpler, coming to Scotland to reclaim all the metal and concrete they generously lent us when allowing British gas to erect their gas networks or the money they again generously donated to us to build Holyrood. What is a reclaimable cross border asset anyway? Will they resort to: A) Sending teams of people reaming through a ton of argument, and expensive, labour intensive work to remove any assets they deem they want back, The Forth Rail Bridge? Edinburgh castle? 10000 sq. miles of sea bed? OR B) Have wee Betty in the Number 10 admin office office fill out a B123/C form and thats everything pretty much sorted. Why would any government on either side of the border (despite the Edinburgh Agreement) want complete unravelling beyond a political level of the two countries My question (eventually), Why do people believe this scare story stuff?
Posted on: Thu, 10 Apr 2014 22:32:29 +0000

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