Why is a sponsorship package on 100.1 Fox-FM so effective and why - TopicsExpress


Why is a sponsorship package on 100.1 Fox-FM so effective and why are our long-term clients always so completely satisfied? Here is the logic that applies. This also makes it clear just how we can have more average daily listeners that Walker County has residents: Of course, most local businesses will still spend a good portion of their advertising budget on a local newspaper despite the fact that it is now a proven fact that newspapers are in a downward spiral. Thats expected because the idea is that it will be still around for people (in bird cages, anyway) to look at several days after publication. It seems that theres just no accounting for such misguided thinking. Now, lets breakdown the actual numbers and see what happens: With a predicted monthly average of 143,356 trucks and 253,841 cars and RVs passing by on I-22 (Corridor-X) each month, we can add this up to total 397,197 vehicles passing by our exits each month. Now, lets assume each vehicle carries an average of two occupants. This gives us approximately 794,394 people passing by our exits each month. Divide this number by 30 (for the average number of days in a given average month) and youll find that, on average, there are some 26,479.8 persons passing us by on I-22 each and every single DAY! Now, according to the statement of circulation printed by a semi-daily local newspaper, the average number of copies printed and actually read by anyone each day is only slightly more than 8,000. Now, lets assume that 2,000 of these copies (highly unlikely) make their way to locations right on the interstate exit ramps. If (and this is a really BIG if) we could somehow entice ONE (1) out of every THIRTEEN (13) people to buy a copy, all supplies would be completely exhausted each day. This would leave some 24,479.8 people completely high and dry each day and these people would not ever see your ad. This would leave a total of 171,358.6 people in the same state of despair for the remaining six days of the week! This means that, of a possible 195,838.4 people that your advertising couldve reached, youve only reached 14,000 each week if (remember, its a BIG if) EVERY SINGLE AVAILABLE COPY SELLS!!! (This is not ever going to happen but, for the sake of cutting the newspaper some slack, lets assume that it does happen each and every week for the rest of our example.) Your advertisement MIGHT be seen by up to 14,000 travelers, if youre really lucky. But, on average another 171,358.6 will never see or hear about your business and all that you offer. Not very good numbers, huh? What about those other 6,000 or so copies? Well, theyre going to your neighbors, friends and relatives who already know about your business and wouldnt need to read a print ad to find out that youre in business simply because they already know that you are in business and what it is that you offer! Thats a waste to advertise to people who already are familiar with your products, isnt it? Would you pay to paint your house the same color each week so that the same neighbors see the same color (re-freshened) each and every week? In a sense, you can liken a print ad in a small town newspaper to a preacher packing a church full of eager listeners and then calling the choir into his office for the delivery of the sermon! The people are there but the word never reaches their ears and they go away without a clue as to what the message was because it wasnt delivered within earshot and this is the same thing you are doing when it comes to advertising your business each and every week in a small town newspaper that reaches the same people day in and day out. Now, let me present an alternative: Research has proven that, on average, one of every three vehicles has a radio on for listening while driving. There are, as we discussed before, an average of two occupants per vehicle. In Jasper, there is only ONE local FM radio station and, as we all are well aware, AM listening is virtually non-existent, now. This means that, for each and every day 26,479.8 people passing by on I-22, an estimated 17,653.2 will hear your advertising! This is already more than TWO TIMES the number who could possibly read your print ad in a given week (if EVERY SINGLE COPY SELLS) and were still only looking at the first day! By the end of a full week, your message will reach 123.572.4 eager and willing sets of ears! In an average month, your message will reach 529,596 travelers (more than half a million as compared to the newspapers maximum of about 16,000) who are most willing to stop and spend some money with you but, who probably havent really felt the urge to stop staring at the road long enough to further wear out their weary eyes on a tiny print ad. (They probably dont even know a local newspaper exists, let alone going out of their way spending precious money just to be visually assaulted at every turn with print ads from a town they may never visit again!) Now, Im not about to tell you that you need to stop advertising in the newspaper. As we all know, they have to eat just like the rest of us. What I am telling you is that, unless youre happy advertising to people who already know you and already know what you sell with little if any hope of ever reaching slightly under one half of one percent of the travelers who could stop and do business with you, you need to seriously consider just exactly why it is that youre advertising your business at all. Then, when you see why you get little to no response to your advertising, you might want to look into a more effective method of advertising to more than THIRTY THREE TIMES the number of people that your print ad reaches in a given month. (And, for the sake of fairness, were NOT including local people in these numbers. NOr are we including our massive numbers of online listeners.) Anyone with a calculator can tell you that this is a THREE THOUSAND PERCENT INCREASE IN THE AUDIENCE that will hear about YOUR business! Does your business brain still tell you that advertising to people who already know about your business is nearly this cost effective? Then, I submit to you that youre not really advertising for the purpose of attracting new business...
Posted on: Tue, 17 Jun 2014 00:25:31 +0000

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