Why is meditation used? • Inner healing- many of us have - TopicsExpress


Why is meditation used? • Inner healing- many of us have emotional scars, that we “sweep under the rug”. Meditation is used as a purge to rid ourselves of the negativity which lingers, allowing for a less “stressed” filled body which lowers your risk of disease. • Inner Dialogue-Know thy self! How many of us actually listen to our inner voice? When we do how often are we right? Personal development involves building a relationship with yourself, knowing your strengths, your weakness’. Exploiting your strengths, and strengthening your weaknesses. • Recharging the battery of the soul-It is funny how we may have had a full night’s rest, however our body still feels tired, or we are emotionally drained. Meditation helps fatigue by reviving energy levels-increasing creativity and overall brain performance. The Journey of the Soul In the beginning “men” were soul conscious beings, believing we were souls that occupied a body. As our relationship from the supreme has become distant we are confused thus becoming body conscious. This body consciousness has led us to become more aware of the “body”, taking more pride in the body and also become arrogant. When our “ego” is challenged we become angry, once suppressed, this anger dwells within us causing our bodies to become stressed and thus the onset of illness. If the anger is expressed, we then transfer the stress to the object of our anger or any of those who are present for our tirade. Anger, lust, greed, attachment and the rest of the deadly sins and vices are total negativity and reflect our “body conscious” approach to our lives. We must strive to become soul conscious. Positive Thinking Om Shanti is a mantra used to greet one another. Om=I am and Shanti meaning peaceful combined is used as the affirmation “I am a peaceful being”. We can simply class positive thinking as GOD’s property where as negative thinking is classified as the Devil’s property. Our intellect is considered the regulator of Positive thoughts. When we have thoughts we analyze, discriminate, make a decision, plan, then execute. From these thoughts that turn to actions we either reap the reward (if positive) or consequence (if negative). It is important to remember that when we act on a thought, we EXPERIENCE that action, dependent on our choice if we act again, it will become our habits, and soon habits have the tendency to become addictions, so we must choose wisely. “Plant thoughts we reap experience” if we “plant experiences we reap habits” and if we “plant habits we reap addictions”. How do we protect ourselves from negativity? 1) Detachment- Limit our emotional involvement to situations 2) Filtering- Determine what thoughts we wish to accept. Ask yourself. What is the source? Is what they saying true? Would you benefit from the information?-Remember your brain is not a trash can, so please do not accept “garbage” thoughts!!! 3) Controlling-become conscious of your thought patterns, steer your thoughts along the course of positivity. 4) Do not absorb-Allow negative thoughts to roll off your back-be protected by a “negative proof vest” 5) Stabilizing-Add humor/laughter to the mix which will help turn a negative situation into a positive one. What stops us from thinking positive? 1) Mental positioning-How we view situations; do we look at the glass “half empty” or “half full”? 2) Our attitudes-Which cover a wide range, from virtues to vices and everything in between. We use our attitude to protect ourselves from negativity which may also encourage more negativity. Attitudes have far reaching effects; our attitudes in approaching a situation often determine the outcome. “The greatest attitude to have is one of gratitude”. 3) Mental limitations-Whether you say you can or you can’t you are right. We often place limits on our capabilities, for fear of failure, when in fact the limits we place are in fact why we fail. In close, start to train your thoughts to become more soul conscious as opposed to body conscious, focus more of your energies around positive thinking. Take the time to sit in a quiet place and take an introspective look into you, strengthening the “who” you are today and developing the you of tomorrow.
Posted on: Tue, 02 Jul 2013 21:00:34 +0000

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