Why is the FBI involved, especially since these incidents - TopicsExpress


Why is the FBI involved, especially since these incidents primarily take place overseas? Take a look at the jurisdiction section of our new website, which explains the 1998 Presidential Executive Order 13107 and the four U.S. laws dealing with genocide, war crimes, torture, and recruitment or use of child soldiers. In Their Own Words “Rwandans saw accountability as the most important cornerstone to healing and continued progress.” - FBI Special Agent Read more According to Special Agent Jeffrey VanNest, who heads up our Genocide War Crimes Unit (GWCU), our mission is to “systematically and methodically help track down perpetrators of genocide, war crimes, and other related atrocities—the worst of the worst—and apprehend them.” THIS IS THE MAIN COMPLAINT OF "MOAI CROWN" STATE SOVEREIGN CONFEDERATION TO THE FBI AND TO A GRAND JURY IN THE WORLD COURT AND THROUGH BRITISH UK WESTMINSTER PARLIAMENT THROUGH LORD DIRECT BACK TO NEW ZEALAND SUPREME COURT LORDS AND "MOAI CROWN" JURISDICTION OF MOAI GODS STONE FACE OF AUTHORITY OF A REAL GOD NOT A FAKE FRAUD QUEEN OF ENGLAND CONVICTED CRIMINAL FELON FUGITIVE! THIS MOAI INDICTMENT CAUGHT THE QUEEN BEFORE SHE ABSCONDS FROM HER MONARCHY WHICH IS CUT OFF BY HER CONVICTIONS IN FRONT OF "MOAI GOD". BASICALLY SHE SEVERED THE WHOLE ROYAL FAMILY MONARCH FROM HER SUBJECTS AROUND THE WORLD AND MOAI CUT HER OFF LEGALLY! SHE SWORE HER OATH TO THE JESUIT SATIN POPES AND PRIESTS OF SATAN DEVIL. NOTHING TO DO WITH GOD IS THE FAKE IMPERSONATOR AND CONVICTED OF TREASON AND GENOCIDE!
Posted on: Mon, 27 May 2013 10:54:48 +0000

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