Why is the study of nutrition so important and why we dont study - TopicsExpress


Why is the study of nutrition so important and why we dont study it. We know why it doesnt get researched because nutrition cannot be patented or it would be a whole new ball game. I thought at first that the reason wheat was bad was because of all the genetic modifications and the removal of the vitamins to give it a longer shelf life was the cause but the more I read the more it didnt make sense. Millet was a staple grain in the world for years but then wheat took over and in the last 50 years consumption has risen to an all time high since the birth of fast food. Look how long we have been told to drink milk and now we find just to opposite that it robs us of calcium and leads to calcium build up in the heart because the calcium isnt being absorbed but just the opposite its causing us to release our own calcium to counter it and it travels through the blood stream and through the heart. In the future we will see more calcium channel blockers prescribed as a result. Now we a learning that certain LDL (bad cholesterol) which there are two kinds, that the buoyancy is responsible for transporting vitamins to certain parts of the body because Its all a natural process of aging but modern medicine and doctors assume they know more and it doesnt seem natural but only because they dont factor in the certain things that the human brain has because its been evolving for thousands of years and it already knows what it needs. We have now introduced artificial sweeteners and salt to replace the stuff we have been using and adjusted to for thousands of years but now we find they are bad but why suddenly are they bad. Because now we refine the hell out of everything to make it last longer and we use too much. We remove the yang and leave in the ying or is it the ying we remove well it doesnt matter you know what Im saying. Sometimes we crave something and we dont know why but the body knows and thats all that matters. Ever notice when a woman is pregnant she has wild urges for food that she would never wanted before she was pregnant, she craves this food now because it contains a certain nutrient that she is lacking. This man was stranded on a lifeboat after his ship had sank and he had plenty of fresh water and food but the third week of being on the water and still not rescued he was going crazy and he started to pluck out the eyeballs of the fish and eat them but he never did that before but why now he thought and later on he found out why, his iodine level had dropped tremendously and even though he never knew the fish eyes contained iodine his sub-conscience mind knew so it forced him to do it. Its only when we are in a sink or swim situation will survival mode make us seek out things for a reason beyond or own thought process but rest assured it knows. Its best to learn nutrition because its evident our doctors arent taught about it yet. They are coming around but until then its up to us and the book I am working on will help you gain the skills to ascertain what you need and what you dont need and what is good and what you need to avoid depending on your specific body type.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:48:35 +0000

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