Wichtige Petitionen* zum Unterstützen und - TopicsExpress


Wichtige Petitionen* zum Unterstützen und Weiterleiten *ausgewählt von Martina Patterson Important Petitions* Please support and forward *selected by Martina Patterson The petitionemail is also on facebook/martina.patterson.507 Die Petitionsemail gibt es auch auf facebook/martina.patterson.507 E-Mails to: martina.patterson.507@facebook free translation sites – kostenlose Übersetzungsseiten: translate.google/# translate.reference/ freetranslation.imtranslator.net/ babelfish.org/web-translation-vendor.htm Sollten LINK’s nicht funktionieren, bitte diesen markieren, kopieren und in eine neu aufgerufene Seite in die Kopfspalte setzen Good news first: Jakarta verbietet die tanzenden Affen Tanzende Affen gehören zum Straßenbild der indonesischen Hauptstadt Jakarta – doch nicht mehr lange. Die Stadtverwaltung beschlagnahmt nun die Tiere. mittelbayerische.de/nachrichten/panorama/artikel/jakarta-verbietet-die-tanzenden-affen/979009/jakarta-verbietet-die-tanzenden-affen.html Education....teaching about animal welfare in Romania! https://causes/actions/1762827-education-teaching-about-animal-welfare-in-romania?ctag=49f8f35f17184d8c7408ef2805392209ba&ctoken=EPE-KyAZ21GI08uStM3_JTTOyqnLnXkB28K8samTjUucDE0XBAnb4Ubo47Q2OlAk5cetaVdr5kzrXqmaXP73Yg%3D%3D&recruiter_id=186413199&uid=187862125&utm_campaign=activity_invitation_mailer%2Factivity_invitation&utm_medium=email&utm_source=causes Stop Televising Bullfights During Childrens Viewing Hours Animal Torture Doesnt Belong on Childrens TV thepetitionsite/644/658/152/stop-showing-bullfights-on-tv-during-kids-viewing-time/?z00m=20658700 Ban animal slaughtering at school and in the presence of young children thepetitionsite/takeaction/437/106/364/ Million Actions - EU, when do you think it is time to act? Der Ehrenpräsident der Intergroup nimmt in einem Interview Stellung zur aktuellen Lage in Rumänien und der Rolle der EU. youtube/watch?v=CfJgy1PmR3I MEP Carl Schlyter: Die Europäische Kommission könnte die Fördermittel, die an Rumänien ausgezahlt werden, stoppen. Schlyter wirkt in dem Interview, das er vor Kurzem zur aktuellen Situation der Massentötungen von Straßenhunden in Rumänien gegeben hat, etwas ratlos. Er weist darauf hin, dass drei Briefe der Intergroup an Basescu unbeantwortet blieben und glaubt, dass die verantwortlichen rumänischen Politiker nicht realisieren, dass es ihr Handeln das Image von Rumänien massiv schädigen könnte. Die Faktenlage ist jedoch eindeutig. Spielt Rumänien nicht mit, so kann die EU wenig tun, denn tatsächlich hat sie keine rechtlichen Möglichkeiten das Massentöten der Straßenhunde zu stoppen. Der schwedische Europaabgeordnete berichtet darüber, dass er jeden Tag hunderte von Emails und Briefe bekommt, von europäischen Bürgern, die entsetzt sind von den Bildern, die sie aus Rumänien sehen. Er betont, dass es sich nicht um ein lokales Problem handelt, sondern darum wie man schwächere Lebewesen- solche, die sich nicht wehren können - im Allgemeinen behandelt. Menschen, die Tiere brutal misshandeln, so Schlyter, sind dazu geneigt dieses Verhalten auch auf ihre Mitmenschen zu übertragen. Stattdessen müsste die Regierung eine Vorbildfunktion einnehmen, und die Bürger umfassend aufklären und informieren anstatt sie auf negative Art und Weise zu beeinflussen. “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ― Mahatma Mahatma Gandhi Schlyter glaubt nicht, dass die Grausamkeiten an den Tieren den Ursprung in der rumänischen Bevölkerung haben. Doch was kann man nun tun? Der Ehrenpräsident der Intergroup for Animal Welfare ruft die Rumänen dazu auf den Protest aufrecht zu erhalten und zu zeigen, dass sie mit der jetzigen Handhabung der Straßentiere nicht einverstanden sind, dass sie nicht damit einverstanden sind was ihre Regierung anordnet. Darüber hinaus hofft er, dass so viele Hunde wie möglich nun gerettet werden, auch wenn dies, wie er zugibt, keine Lösung der Problematik ist. Fakt ist, dass Rumänien mit der jetzigen Handhabung gegen eine Reihe von EU Konventionen verstößt, so Schlyter. Die Europäische Kommission könnte alle finanziellen Mittel, die für den Tierschutz im Allgemeinen (bisher sind keine konkreten Zahlungen für die Handhabung der Straßentiere bestätigt) an Rumänien gezahlt werden, stoppen. Solange bis sich Rumänien dazu bereit erklärt, die betreffenden Konventionen zu beachten. Bisher zeigt die EU Kommission jedoch kein Interesse entsprechen aktiv zu werden – und bevor es zu einem Auszahlungsstopp käme, würden umfassende Untersuchungen eingeleitet werden um den Fall zu prüfen. Dieses würde Wochen und Monate in Anspruch nehmen – Zeit, die wir nicht haben, denn wahrscheinlich wären bis dahin tausende Hunde tot. Dennoch glauben wir, dass wir den Druck sowohl auf die rumänische Regierung als auch auf die EU aufrecht erhalten müssen. Es kann nicht sein, dass diese Verbrechen passieren ohne, dass sie bestraft werden, nicht in Europa, nicht im Jahr 2013! ►BITTE UNTERSCHREIBT DIE FOLGENDEN OFA PETITIONEN UND TEILT ES DAMIT AUCH ANDERE UNTERSCHREIBEN! 1) EU: take action regarding Romania, a European country challenging Europe ►►https://change.org/petitions/european-union-please-take-action-regarding-romania-a-european-country-challenging-europe 2) European Institutions: Where is the elusive face of accountability and response within the spiders web of European bureaucracy? ►►https://change.org/fr/pétitions/european-institutions-where-is-the-elusive-face-of-accountability-and-response-within-the-spider-s-web-of-european-bureaucracy# 3) EU: the European Union MUST - according to its own constitution - intervene in Romania! ►►https://change.org/fr/pétitions/european-union-the-european-union-must-according-to-its-own-constitution-intervene-in-romania# 4) Intergroup: one of your Vice Presidents, Daciana Sarbu is unfit for office. Please remove her from her position! ►►change.org/fr/pétitions/the-european-parliament-s-intergroup-on-the-welfare-and-conservation-of-animals-daciana-sarbu-s-speech-self-declared-her-as-being-unfit-for-office-please-remove-her-from-her-position# 5) EU, when do you think it is time to act? ►► change.org/petitions/eu-when-do-you-think-it-is-time-to-act-2 Bitte auch unterschreiben: 6) the petition to the Romanian Orthodox Church, the accomplices of the Romanian government: ►►https://change.org/petitions/daniel-patriarch-of-the-romanian-orthodox-church-protect-your-children-and-re-appraise-your-support-of-the-new-slaughter-law-which-exposes-them-to-abuse-and-violence 7) the petition the Members of the Bosnian Parliament who intend to replicate the Romanian Slaughter Law ►►https://change.org/petitions/european-union-stop-bosnia-from-replicating-the-romanian-slaughter-law-and-allow-the-killing-of-all-homeless-dogs-two-weeks-after-capture# Danke - Thank you! @Europarl_DE @AWintergroup @CarlSchlyter @EU_Commission --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Petition against the production and Importation of Foie Gras - Speak Out Against Foie Gras! PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THESE▬►10☚ PETITIONS!!! https://facebook/photo.php?fbid=350200081777091&set=o.283283091713648 ► PETITION 1. foiegrasfarms.org/ ►PETITION 2. thepetitionsite/10/we-the-undersigned/ ►PETITION 3. bit.ly/Q3A5i0 ►PETITION 4. org2.democracyinaction.org/o/5154/p/dia/action/public/?action_KEY=8072 ►PETITION 5. change.org/petitions/we-demand-now-all-foie-gras-productions-stop-immediately ► PETITION 6.stopgavage/signer ►PETITION 7. bit.ly/stopfleber ►PETITION 8.https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=4668 ►PETITION 9 thepetitionsite/takeaction/168/223/043/ ► PETITION 10.amazoncruelty/ ✦✦BACKGROUND: (*N.B MY LINK IS THE BEST INFORMED LINK WITH THE BEST TOP PETITIONS AND THE BACKGROUND ON FOIE GRAS ON FB ! I ASSURE YOU THAT YOU WILL NOT FIND ANOTHER COMPLETE LINK LIKE MINE..) ======================================== ✦ The production of foie gras has been banned in Argentina, Austria, California (USA), Czech Republic, Denmark, England, Finland, Germany, Holland, Italy, Ireland, Israel, Luxembourg, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland and Turkey. The only European Union countries where it is permitted are Belgium, Bulgaria, France, Hungary and of course => Spain !!! Now is the time to move forward, show our respect for animals and ban this abhorrent practice.And you can make a difference.There are many of us who believe, as you do, that animals deserve respect. Sign now and spread word about this investigation to your friends and family so that the suffering of animals is no longer silenced... ✦ FOIE GRAS: ===Physiology and preparation=== Geese and ducks are omnivorous, and, like many birds, have expansive throats allowing them to store large amounts of food, either whole or predigested, in the crop, an enlarged portion of the esophagus, while awaiting digestion in the stomach, similar to python feeding. In the wild this dilation allows them to swallow large foodstuffs, such as a whole fish, for a later, long digestion. Wild geese may consume 300 grams of protein and another 800 grams of grasses per day. Farmed geese allowed to graze on carrots adapt to eat 100 grams of protein, but may consume up to 2500 grams of the carrots per day. A wild duck may double its weight in the autumn, storing fat throughout much of its body and especially on the liver, in preparation for winter migration. Force feeding produces a liver that is six to ten times its ordinary size !!! Storage of fat in the liver produces steatosis of the liver cells ! ------------------ ✦Main producers: Today, France is by far the largest producer and consumer of foie gras, though it is produced and consumed worldwide, particularly in other European nations, the United States, and China Country Production (tons, 2005) % of total -France 18,450 78.5% -Hungary 1,920 8.2% -Bulgaria 1,500 6.4% -United States 340 (2003) 1.4% -Canada 200 (2005) 0.9% -China 1500.6% -Others 940 4.0% ✦Total 23,500 100% ✦France is the leading producer and consumer of duck and goose foie gras. In 2005, the country produced 18,450 tonnes of foie gras (78.5% of the worlds estimated total production of 23,500 tonnes) of which 96% was duck liver and the rest goose liver. Total French consumption of foie gras was 19,000 tonnes in 2005. Approximately 30,000 people are members of the French foie gras industry, with 90% of them residing in the Périgord (Dordogne), the Midi-Pyrénées régions in the southwest, and Alsace. The European Union recognizes the foie gras produced according to traditional farming methods (label rouge) in southwestern France with a geographical indication of provenance. ✦Hungary is the worlds second-largest foie gras (libamáj) producer and the largest exporter (1,920 tonnes in 2005). France is the principal market for Hungarian foie gras; mainly exported raw. Approximately 30,000 Hungarian goose farmers are dependent on the foie gras industry. French food companies spice, process, and cook the foie gras so it may be sold as a French product in its domestic and export markets. ✦Bulgaria produced 1,500 tons of foie gras in 2005; Canada also has a thriving foie gras industry. The demand for foie gras in the Far East is such that China has become a sizeable producer. ✦ ✦Controversy : source Wikipedia Gavage feeding as documented by animal rights and welfare group, GAIA -Voice of the Voiceless Main article: Foie gras controversy See also: Force-feeding#Force-feeding of animals Gavage-based foie gras production is controversial, due to the force feeding procedure, and the possible health consequences of an enlarged liver.[citation needed] A number of countries and other jurisdictions have laws against force feeding or the sale of foie gras due to how it is traditionally produced. In modern gavage-based foie gras production, force feeding takes place 12–18 days before slaughter. The duck or goose is typically fed a controlled amount of corn mash through a tube inserted in the animals cuticle-lined esophagus. Foie gras production has been banned in some nations because of the force-feeding process, including some members of the European Union,.The city of Chicago banned the production and selling of foie gras from 2006 until 2008, when it reversed its decision based on the criticisms that the ban was maneuvered into a larger package that the city council had voted on.The state of California has also prohibited the production and sale of foie gras, effective 1 July 2012. Violators will receive a $1,000 fine. Some restaurant owners have declared they plan to use a loophole in the new law; if restaurant goers bring in their own foie gras, restaurants may legally prepare and serve it. Animal rights and welfare groups such as PETA, Viva!, and the Humane Society of the United States contend that foie gras production methods, and force feeding in particular, constitute cruel and inhumane treatment of animals. Specific complaints include livers swollen to many times their normal size, impaired liver function, expansion of the abdomen making it difficult for birds to breathe, death if the force feeding is continued, and scarring of the esophagus[citation needed]. PETA claims that the insertion and removal of the feeding tube scratch the throat and the esophagus, causing irritations and wounds and thus exposing the animal to risk of mortal infections. ✦Empirical research regarding the health and welfare of the bird during the production of foie gras is limited in quantity and quality. A recent study demonstrated oral amyloid-A fibril transmissibility which raised food safety issues with consumption of foie gras over concerns that products such as pâté de foie gras may activate a reactive systemic amyloidosis in susceptible consumers. Foie gras as an amyloid-containing food product hastened the development of amyloidosis. Amyloidosis may be transmissible, akin to the infectious nature of prion-related illnesses. However, a correlation between foie gras consumption and these diseases has not been confirmed. EU Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Welfare The report of the European Unions Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare on Welfare Aspects of the Production of Foie Gras in Ducks and Geese, adopted on 16 December 1998, is an 89-page review of studies from several producing countries. It examines several indicators of animal welfare, including physiological indicators, liver pathology, and mortality rate. It strongly concludes that force feeding, as currently practised, is detrimental to the welfare of the birds. Members of the committee describe how geese and ducks show avoidance behaviour indicating aversion for the person who feeds them and the feeding procedure. Although the committee reported that there is no conclusive scientific evidence on the aversive nature of force feeding, and that evidence of injury is small, in their overall recommendations, the committee stated that the management and housing of the birds used for producing foie gras have a negative impact on their welfare. ➨ PLEASE WATCH THESE VIDEOS: ✦Ducks are cruelly force fed to produce foie gras which is made from their enlarged livers. ►youtu.be/32815SIgq1A ✦Cruelty exposed inside Elevages Perigord, Canadas largest foie gras producer. An investigation by Farm Sanctuary and Global Action Network youtu.be/8IWN8UGDyC0 ✦Kate Winslet Exposes Foie Gras Cruelty by Peta ►youtu.be/BAzrSl0ztsQ ✦Published on Aug 10, 2012 by PETA Europe The distressing video footage, narrated by PETAs foie gras campaign ambassador, Sir Roger Moore, shows the grim reality for geese whose diseased livers are sold as foie gras ! PLEASE WATCH ►youtu.be/SbUP9Wnv3Y4 ✦Please watch also inside a farm How Foie Gras Gets Made.. In The Hudson Valley farm is at made up of long, low buildings constructed of lumber or corrugated steel, the birds arriving in the farms as baby chickens Click on Slideshows (pic by pic)and you will see from the begin to the end ! @ ▬►villagevoice/slideshow/how-foie-gras-gets-made-245963/#1 ✦PLEASE READ THE LATEST NEWS ABOUT THE FOIE GRAS INDUSTRIES IN CRUEL CHINA !! Green Beagle said at the press conference that the process of producing foie gras was similar in terms of cruelty to extracting bile from live bears, a process with which many local members of the public will be more familiar as bear bile is often used in traditional Chinese medicine products. ►wantchinatimes/news-subclass-cnt.aspx?cid=1102&MainCatID=11&id=20120925000004 ✦AND MORE INFOS AT ▬► vopus.org/en/content/view/244/ Thank You~Tony Zadel - Copyright(©) — Burberry: Please stop selling fur! change.org/en-GB/petitions/burberry-please-stop-selling-fur Save the Last Intact Habitat for Tigers in Thailand thepetitionsite/248/683/849/save-the-last-intact-habitat-for-tigers-in-thailand/?cid=FB_TAF Stop Abuse of Hunting Dogs In Portugal change.org/petitions/pres-c%C3%A2mara-aljezur-sepna-dgav-portim%C3%A3o-lisboa-presi-fed-de-ca%C3%A7adores-stop-abuse-of-hunting-dogs-in-portugal PLEASE SIGN & SHARE WIDELY THESE ➨ 25 PETITIONS TO HELP STOPPING PIG ABUSE & TORTURE IN THE CRUEL FARMS INDUSTRY! ►PET.1 https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1131 ►PET.2 action.ciwf.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=119&ea.campaign.id=20130 ►PET.3 action.ciwf.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=119&ea.campaign.id=19330 ►PET.4 https://change.org/petitions/what-pork-is-on-your-fork ►PET.5 change.org/petitions/domino-s-pizza-stop-making-pigs-suffer ►PET.6 change.org/petitions/speak-out-against-walmart-s-cruelty-to-pigs ►PET.7 change.org/en-CA/petitions/i-support-the-humane-treatment-of-pigs ►PET.8 change.org/petitions/tyson-foods-inc-end-the-cruelty-to-pigs ►PET.9 change.org/petitions/pigs-blood-an-undisclosed-ingredient-in-cigarette-filters ►PET.10 change.org/en-GB/petitions/pigs-deserve-a-life-before-they-die ►PET.11 https://secure.peta.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=1907 ►PET.12 change.org/petitions/stop-shipping-live-pigs-from-the-mainland-us-to-hawaii-for-slaughter ►PET.13 action.ciwf.org.uk/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=119&ea.campaign.id=20836 ►PET.14 thepetitionsite/906/079/322/ban-farm-animal-castration-without-anesthetics ►PET.15 takepart/actions/avoid-pork-products-made-abused-pigs-say-no-gestation-crates ►PET.16 https://secure.humanesociety.org/site/Advocacy?cmd=display&page=UserAction&id=5699 ►PET.17 https://change.org/petitions/diciamo-no-alla-sofferenza-di-milioni-di-maiali-in-europa-sì-al-rispetto-della-legge-sonodegno ►PET.18 hanimalsaustralia.org/take_action/petitions/hungry-jacks ►PET.19 thepetitionsite/takeaction/606/715/206/ ►PET.20 https://change.org/petitions/dites-non-aux-souffrances-de-millions-de-porcs-en-europe ►PET.21 change.org/de/Petitionen/frau-bdm-ilse-aigner-herrn-sm-helmut-brunner-herrn-landrat-stefan-rößle-verbot-der-errichtung-einer-schweinemastanlage-im-donau-ries ►PET.22 act.watchdog.net/petitions/92?ls=BbP8ptpPKAE ►PET.23 peta.vg/1yq ►PET.24 change.org/en-AU/petitions/rspca-get-out-of-business-with-animal-abusers-2 ►PET.25 change.org/petitions/mcdonald-́s-suspender-el-uso-de-jaulas-de-confinamiento-en-la-industria-porcina ------------------------------------ Its a real hell for pigs !!! pigs are the most tortured animals in farm industries.. a very sadly true heartbreaking fact ! Pigs are kept in cages their entire life, before being sent to abattoirs at about 4 months old, having never seen the light of day. Piglets are moved from farrowing units to metal cages or concrete pens. These pigs, who are not used to having no milk from their mother, often try to suckle from other piglets, or suckle from pigs tails. From here the piglets are moved at 6 weeks to rearing pens to be fattened. These pigs often suffer leg problems due to standing on hard floors for most of their life. This can also cause problems during travel and is one reason for before-slaughter deaths.mother sows and their piglets are forced to suffer brutal abuse and lives of unrelenting confinement and misery...! ➨ INTENSIVE PIG FARMING ! In these systems, pregnant sows are often confined in narrow crates, unable to move freely. The piglets reared for meat are often mutilated, without anaesthetic, and kept in concrete sheds without bedding. Even after a sow has given birth, the sow is still kept in a cage only centimetres lager than her, herself. Her piglets are kept in an adjacent cage. This is supposedly to stop the sow from crushing her piglets, although research has suggested that when given a larger area, and the correct management, the piglet death rates are not larger than when a sow crate is used. Research has shown that their are 112 leg conditions for pigs which are caused by standing on hard floors. By banning intensive farming in pigs, the amount of pigs getting these conditions would dramatically decrease..!! ➨ SOW STALLS Within a couple of weeks, the sow is inseminated again (often artificially) and starts her next pregnancy. Commercial sows normally produce just over 2 litters a year with around 10-12 piglets per litter. She has a breeding lifetime of about 3 years before being replaced and sold for slaughter. Farrowing crates also severely restrict the sow’s movement and frustrate her strong motivation to build a nest before giving birth. They prevent the sow from being able to get away from her piglets, for example if they bite her teats. It is common for piglets to have their teeth ground down or clipped, without anaesthetic, to minimise biting injuries. ➨ GROWING PIGS Growing pigs are often kept in barren, crowded conditions on slatted concrete floors without straw for bedding or rooting. These pigs have no access to outdoors and will never experience fresh air or daylight. They are unable to behave naturally and are likely to be bored and frustrated. They tend to fight and to bite each other, sometimes causing severe injury. In addition to tooth cutting, most piglets have their tails docked to discourage tail biting. This is painful and may cause long-term pain. Stress, illness and conflict often result when piglets are abruptly weaned and mixed with unfamiliar young pigs. Most male piglets in Europe (but not in the UK and Ireland) are castrated. Public pressure has led to a voluntary declaration aimed at ending the surgical castration of pigs in Europe by 2018. As a first step, signatories will ensure that prolonged pain relief is used for surgical castration of pigs from 2012. ➨ TRANSPORT & SLAUGHTER Pigs travel badly and are easily stressed by transport and by pre-slaughter handling. They do not have sweat glands and are particularly susceptible to heat stress during transport. Internationally, significant numbers of pigs die each year in transport or in lairage at slaughterhouses as a result of stress. ➨ MORE INFOS ABOUT PIG FARMS & VIDEOS HERE: ciwf.org.uk/farm_animals/pigs/welfare_issues/default.aspx ➨ To find out how to help change how pigs are farmed please visit ► ciwf.org/pigs. ➨ MORE ACTION & INFOS HERE:mercyforanimals.org/pigabuse/take-action.aspx --------- ➨ PLEASE GO TO YOUTUBE AND WATCH A PREVIOUS CRUELTY IN THE UK THE PETITIONS LINK IS ALSO AVAILABLE CLICKSHOW MORE BELOW THE VIDEO HERE:►youtu.be/jvCkAIvlZ1s ➨PLEASE WATCH THIS INFO VIDEO ! What is factory farming? - PIGS ►https://youtube/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vhfvkDRLdFU ➨ Please Watch the gallery of the confined pigs in farms ! peta2/campaigns/peta-hormel-pig-investigation-photos/ ➨ PLEASE WATCH ALSO THESE 5 VIDEOS: -Conditions on an intensive pig farm. Europes pigs are being farmed in horrendous and often illegal conditions - our latest investigation reveals. A Europe-wide investigation into pig welfare standards reveals shocking images of barren pig pens with European law frequently broken, including in several British farms despite UK claims to highest welfare. ►youtu.be/qGVXZYEerdg --------------------------- **Shocking Animal Cruelty at Tyson Foods Supplier (2013 Webby Award Winner) ►youtu.be/bNY4Fjsdft4 --------------------------- **Inside A large Pig breeding factory farm in the USA ! ►youtu.be/i0juwFwLRW0 --------------------------- **INSIDE THE BRITISH PORK INDUSTRY - Special Undercover Investigation 2011 / 2012 - ►https://vimeo/35809777 ------------------------------------- **A new Mercy For Animals undercover investigation provides a shocking look into one of the nations largest pork producers -- Iowa Select Farms in Kamrar, Iowa. At this factory farm, mother sows and their piglets are forced to suffer brutal abuse and lives of unrelenting confinement and misery. Between April and June of 2011, an MFA investigator documented: - Mother sows confined to barren metal crates barely larger than their own bodies -- unable to turn around or lie down comfortably for nearly their entire lives - Workers ripping out the testicles of conscious piglets without the use of painkillers - Piglets suffering with herniated intestines, due to botched castration - Conscious piglets having their tails painfully sliced into and yanked off with dull clippers - Large, open, pus-filled wounds and pressure sores - Sick and injured pigs left to languish and slowly die without proper veterinary care - Mother pigs -- physically taxed from constant birthing -- suffering from distended, inflamed, bleeding, and usually fatal uterine prolapses - Management training workers to throw piglets across the room -- comparing it to a roller coaster ride Upon reviewing the undercover footage, world-renowned animal behaviorist Dr. Jonathan Balcombe denounced the facility, stating that this video depicts scenes of unbearable suffering and inexcusable neglect. ... This farm should be closed down at once. Veterinarian Dr. Armaiti May also condemned the operation, stating, I was greatly disturbed and appalled to watch footage of such horrifying cruelty and neglect towards pigs. Dr. May further stated: I recommend group housing be instituted which allows enough space for pigs to turn around and extend their limbs without touching the sides of the enclosures or each other. All surgical procedures including castrations should be done only with the pigs anesthetized and using sterile technique. Subjecting animals to a lifetime of confinement in crates so small they are virtually immobilized is perhaps the cruelest form of institutionalized animal abuse in existence. A growing number of animal welfare experts opposes the use of gestation crates, concluding what common sense should have told us all along: animals with legs should have room to move. Dr. Temple Grandin, who is considered the worlds leading expert on farmed-animal care and is an animal welfare advisor to the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the meat industry, asserts that gestation crates for pigs are a real problem. ... Basically, youre asking a sow to live in an airline seat ... I think its something that needs to be phased out. Sadly, grocery giants Kroger, Costco, Safeway, and Hy-Vee condone confining animals in crates barely larger than their bodies by selling pork from producers who use gestation crates -- including Iowa Select Farms. These corporations have both the power and ethical responsibility to reject this abusive factory farming practice by immediately adopting policies that require suppliers to phase out their use of gestation crates. Confining mother pigs in such crates is so patently cruel that the practice has been banned by the entire European Union, New Zealand, and the states of Florida, Arizona, Oregon, Colorado, California, Maine and Michigan. Yet, while other states make progress to prevent cruelty to farmed animals, legislators in Iowa the largest pork-producing state in the nation are actively working to conceal it. At the behest of factory farm interests, Iowa legislators are considering an ag-gag bill that seeks to silence and intimidate whistleblowers who document and expose animal abuse. As this new investigation graphically illustrates, with not a single federal law providing protection to animals on factory farms, and Iowa state anti-cruelty law largely exempting farmed animals, legislators should be working to enact laws protecting animals, not abusers. ➨ PLEASE WATCH THE VIDEO HERE : ►youtu.be/jBR4FlrWVk4 ➨ PLEASE WATCH ALSO THESE PICTURES GALLERY OF THE MISERABLE CONDITIONS OF PORKS INSIDE THE CRUEL FARM INDUSTRY:mercyforanimals.org/pigabuse/photos.aspx ➨ AND THIS PICTURE GALLERY INSIDE Walmart, Christensen Farms ! ►huffingtonpost/2012/07/18/walmart-christensen-farms-mercy-for-animals-video_n_1683119.html ➨ Shocking investigation shows extent of pig abuse at farm supplying pork to Walmart where animals have tails ripped off and are packed into tiny gestation cages ►dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2176719/Shocking-video-shows-extent-pig-abuse-farm-supplying-pork-Walmart.html Thank you~Tony Zadel/ Copyright(©) Harte Strafe für grausame Tierquäler Jugendlicher quält Kaninchen und lässt sich filmen - Mutter stellt Video bei Facebook ein petitionen24/harte_strafe_fur_grausame_tierqualer#form Kennzeichnungspflicht veganer und tierversuchsfreier Produkte zur längerfristigen Vermeidung von Tierversuchen https://secure.avaaz.org/de/petition/Kennzeichnungspflicht_veganer_und_tierversuchsfreier_Produkte_zur_laengerfristigen_Vermeidung_von_Tierversuchen/?pv=1 STRAFRECHTLICHE VERFOLGUNG & ENTZUG DER JAGDLIZENZ AUF LEBENSZEIT petitionen24/strafrechtliche_verfolgung__entzug_der_jagdlizenz_auf_lebenszeit TO ALL EUROPEAN CONSUMERS! To all the meat-eaters, vegetarians and vegans! The cruel conditions in the slaughterhouses need to be changed urgently! Please vote for the helplessly delivered slaughter animals. Your support and forwarding determines success! Every vote counts (would be ideal if all family members would sign)!! Together we create change! An alle Fleischesser, Vegetarier und Veganer! Die grausamen Zustände an den Schlachthöfen müssen dringend geändert werden! Bitte gebt Eure Stimme für die hilflos ausgelieferten Schlachttiere. Die Unterstützung und Weiterleitung entscheidet über den Erfolg! Jede Stimme zählt (ideal wäre, wenn auch alle Familienmitglieder unterschreiben)!! Zusammen sorgen wir für Veränderung! Europe-wide video surveillance at slaughterhouses and documentation 1. Europaweite Videoüberwachung an Schlachthöfen und Dokumentation petitionen24/europaweite_videouberwachung_an_schlachthofen_und_dokumentation Български BULGARIAN - https://facebook/BulgariaEuropewideCCTVinSlaughterhouses CATALÁ (KATALAN) - https://facebook/EuropaTotaCctvVideoVigilanciaEnTotsElsEscorxadors CZECH - https://facebook/EvropaCelaCctvSledovaniVideaNaVsechJatkach DANSK - https://facebook/EuropaDaekkendeCctvVideoovervagningIAlleSlagterier EESTI (ESTNISCH) - https://facebook/EuroopaKoguCctvVideovalveKoikTapamajades Ελληνική (GREEK) - https://facebook/EuropeEuryCctvBinteoEpiteresesSeOlaTaSphageia ENGLISCH - https://facebook/EuropeWideMandatoryCctvInAllSlaughterhouses ESPANOL - https://facebook/EuropaTodaCctvVideovigilanciaEnTodosLosMataderos FRANCAIS - https://facebook/EuropeenCctvObligatoireATousLesAbattoirs HRVATSKE (CROATIAN) - on Facebook : Europa Duljina Cctv Video Nadzor Na Svim Klaonicama I – Link after 25 LIKES https://facebook/EuropaDuljinaCctvVideoNadzorNaSvimKlaonicamaI ITALIANO – https://facebook/EuropeaCctvObbligatoriaPressoTuttiIMacelli Latviešu (LETTISCH) - https://facebook/EiropasMerogaCctvVideonoverosanasVisasKautuves Lietuvių (LITAUISCH) - https://facebook/EuropojeVisojeCctvVaizdoStebejimoVisiSkerdyklose Magyar (HUNGARIAN) - https://facebook/EuropaSzerteCctvVideoMonitoringAVagohidak NEDERLANDS - https://facebook/EuropaBredeCctvVideobewakingVanAlleSlachthuizen NORSK – https://facebook/EuropaHeleCctvVideoOvervakingIAlleSlakteri POLSKI – https://facebook/EuropieCalejCctvWideoMonitorowanieWRzezniWszystko Português – https://facebook/EuropaAmplaCctvVideoVigilanciaEmTodosOsMatadouros ROMANIAN – https://facebook/EuropeanNivelDeCctvSupraveghereVideoInAbatoarele SERBIA Србије - https://facebook/SerbiaEuropewideCCTVinSlaugtherhouses SLOVAC – https://facebook/EuropaCeloCctvVideoMonitorovanieVsetkychBitunkov SLOVENSKI – https://facebook/EvropiVsejCctvVideoNadzoraNaVsehKlavnicah SUOMI (FINNISH) - https://facebook/EuroopassaCctvVideoSurveillanceTeurastamoissa SVENSKA - https://facebook/EuropaHelaCctvVideoOvervakningPaSamtligaSlakterier Türkçe (TURKISH) - https://facebook/ EuropeToplamCctvVideoGozetimTumMezbahalarda 2. Petition UK: CCTV in Slaughterhouses petition animalaid.org.uk/h/f/ACTIVE/petition/?id=15&campaign=slaughter Make CCTV Mandatory for Slaughterhouses! says the British public animalaid.org.uk/h/n/NEWS/news_slaughter//2786// New poll shows Scottish public support mandatory CCTV in slaughterhouses. us2.campaign-archive2/?u=5323fef14402c8a6293efe8c3&id=a52d3399b9&e=59f0a1b10e 3. Inhumane slaughter has no place in the UK worldhorsewelfare.org/CCTV-petition 4. Campaign for a ban on slaughter without stunning in Scotland e-activist/ea-action/action?ea.client.id=75&ea.campaign.id=16444 5. Petition France: Overall, demand strict enforcement of the law in all slaughterhouses in France to reduce animal suffering! Ensemble, exigeons lapplication stricte de la loi dans tous les abattoirs de France pour réduire la souffrance animale! Insgesamt fordern wir die strikte Einhaltung des Gesetzes in sämtlichen Schlachthöfen Frankreichs, um das Leiden der Tiere zu verringern. petition.spa.asso.fr/template/abattage 6. Stop the slaughters animals at slaughterhouses For several years in slaughterhouses, thousands of animals are slaughtered without being previously unconscious, even this is prohibited. Halte aux egorgements des animaux à labattoir Stoppen Sie die Schlachtung von unbetäubten Tieren! Seit mehreren Jahren werden Tausende von Tieren in Schlachthöfen, ohne vorherige Betäubung geschlachtet, obwohl dies verboten ist. mesopinions/petition/animaux/halte-aux-egorgements-animaux-abattoir/10154 7. Demand CCTV in all slaughterhouses animalsaustralia.org/take_action/CCTV-cameras-in-slaughterhouses-int/ 8. Call for animal protection in Egypt Jacob had done nothing wrong. But his leg tendons were slashed. His eyes were stabbed. Grausame Quälerei in Ägyptens Schlachthöfen In Ägypten werden den Transporttieren die Augen ausgestochen, die Kehlen durchgeschnitten, Sehnen aufgeschlitzt, sie werden brutal abgeschlachtet. banliveexport/justice-for-jacob/ Be the difference! Sei Du der Unterschied! Please vote / Bitte abstimmen: Voting against the cruel treatment of Galgos in Spain Pour linterdiction de la chasse avec les Galgos en Espagne Abstimmung gegen die grausame Behandlung von Galgos in Spanien Es hat mit der Jagd mit den Windhunden in Spanien zu tun... äußerst grausam für die arme Hunde, die so oder so auf der Strecke bleiben. Nach unsäglichen Misshandlungen werden sie auf verschiedene Art & Weisen am Ende der Jagdsaison umgebracht... Einfach klicken auf VOTE. Damit stimmen wir für das Verbot dieser Barbarei in Spanien. Bitte weiter sagen. Bitte täglich weiterklicken! Die Anzahl der Stimmen wächst kaum. Danke! e-manif.fr/Pour-linterdiction-de-la-chasse-avec-les-Levriers-Galgos-en-Espagne-emanif-172.html ***********************************************************
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 21:41:24 +0000

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