Wikileaks party Asylum Seeker Policy Executive Summary The - TopicsExpress


Wikileaks party Asylum Seeker Policy Executive Summary The WikiLeaks Party: 1. Stands in the proud tradition of the WikiLeaks publishing organisation of accountability for the powerful, compassion for the victims of violent conflict, and an evidence-based approach to social issues. 2. Acknowledges the enormous scale of the global refugee problem, and that Australians may legitimately find it a fearful and overwhelming one. 3. Acknowledges also that both major parties have misled the Australian public about the scale of the problem facing Australia. By any international comparison, Australia sees a less than proportionate share of the global refugee problem. 4. Is committed to setting the record straight, providing the Australian public with facts and context on asylum seekers, and holding the Australian government to close scrutiny on the issue, in line with our core values of Transparency, Accountability and Justice. In the Senate, the WikiLeaks Party will: 5. Demand full, immediate public disclosure of the Rudd government’s PNG deal, including all details of hosting, health resources, personnel, assessment and review processes, resettlement, and post-settlement employment opportunities. 6. Demand full access to asylum seekers held in detention for media, NGOs, and human rights organisations and agencies. 7. Demand government accountability over treatment of asylum seekers, including support for: Reversal of the Rudd Government’s PNG arrangement. Processing of asylum seekers arriving in Australia by the Australian government. A cap of 45 days in immigration detention for any asylum seeker, for initial health and security checks, with any extension requiring judicial approval. Requiring the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to report to Parliament every 6 months on its case load, processes, results, and the health of detainees. Repeal of the excision of Australian territories from the migration zone. 8. Demand accountability in the assessment of asylum claims, including: Opposing any legislative change to restrict or obfuscate the legal definition of a refugee. Ensuring the Refugee Review Tribunal is respected and adequately resourced as a judicial body, able to assess facts independently and free from executive influence. Supporting measures to subject ASIO security assessments to comprehensive and expedient judicial review, including rights of appeal for asylum seekers. 9. Support measures to stem the flow of asylum seekers at the source, by working towards a foreign policy based on human rights and international law, averting conflict from the outset.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Aug 2013 22:24:43 +0000

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