‘Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom - TopicsExpress


‘Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow-creatures is amusing in itself’ – J.A. Froude I just read an article about a tourist shooting a purposely-bred lion in South Africa with a crossbow. The article was accompanied by a photo of this idiot holding his crossbow resting his foot on the lion. The man ‘proudly’ explained that he chased the lion whilst standing on the back of a jeep (at a very small fenced game farm of course with the lion wearing a transmitter…) and then killed the lion with his first arrow. Considering I’m taking field archery lessons at the moment I would like to ask this kind gentleman round for tea. That way I can chase him down with my bow and arrows. On foot, I don’t really need a jeep for that, but I’ll make sure he wears his transmitter as of course my success needs to be ‘guaranteed’. I’ll make sure though not to shoot to kill with my first arrow, I’ll make sure to need at least a dozen. To my complete disgust the article referred to the costs of this kind of ‘pleasant’ day out: USD 3,000 for a lioness, USD 15,000 for a lion and USD 30,000 for a white lion. Success guaranteed. Of course, considering the whole enclosure is too small and fenced anyway!!!! According to CITES lions are ‘vulnerable’ and in the past two decades (that is about three generations of lions) there has been a species population reduction of about 30%, there are about 35,000 left on the whole African continent... And these people get to breed and shoot lions for fun. Today is just one of those days where I’ve seriously had enough of most people!
Posted on: Tue, 09 Jul 2013 18:17:58 +0000

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