“Will You Let Jesus In?” The Lukewarm Church The church of - TopicsExpress


“Will You Let Jesus In?” The Lukewarm Church The church of Laodicea is considered the “Lukewarm” church because of what is written in Revelation 3:15-16. Christ says that they were neither “cold nor hot” and would be vomited out of His mouth. A few verses down, Christ calls for them to be “zealous and repent” (Revelation 3:19). After Christ’s call for repentance, He tells them, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me” (Revelation 3:20). Christ was standing at their door and knocking, waiting for them to open and let Him in! Who’s At Your Door? Someone is at our door. Someone cares enough to visit you. That “someone” is Jesus! Do you know who Jesus is? Do you recognize the Savior of the world? Or, does He appear to be a stranger to you? Do you even care that He is at your door? Do you care that He has taken enough interest in your soul to be at your door? He Is Knocking Not only is Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, at your door; but, He is also knocking. He is taking the time to call you. He is showing enough care for you to say, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). Question is, do you hear the knocking, or are you too consumed in worldly matters to care? Things That Keep Us From Opening The Door Jesus is knocking at your door; but, is your television up so loud that you do not hear? Are you talking on the phone in the corner of your house? Are you consumed with the work that must be accomplished before you go to your job tomorrow? Are you outside mowing the lawn? Do we even recognize that Jesus is there? Jesus is knocking, but perhaps, we don’t know who He is or what He wants. Perhaps we think He will just be a burden, so you turn out the lights and hide so He doesn’t know that your home. Jesus is knocking, but perhaps we don’t want Him to come in to our house. We fail to realize that He doesn’t require a clean house when He knocks, just a clean house after you answer. We don’t want Him to see what’s on our television. We don’t want Him to know our hobbies. We don’t want Him to look around and see our Bible covered with dust. We don’t want Him to see what our children are doing. We don’t want Him to know that it’s Sunday morning and we’re not in church. Jesus is knocking, but you just don’t want to get your house in order. What Jesus offers is nice, but you just don’t want to turn off the television, restructure your prioritize, or dust off your Bible. Consider for yourself, Jesus is knocking, what’s keeping you from opening the door? When We Answer Perhaps we are afraid to answer to the door. We think it’s a stranger—someone who wants to harm us. But, instead, you’ve dusted off that Bible and read. You’ve come to realize that person at your door is your Savior, and He is offering you salvation. You have been busy, stressed, weary, and burdened. Now, you answer the call of the one who promises rest (Matthew 11:29). When you answer, there are things you must do. You must obey His plan of salvation (hear, believe, repent, confess, be baptized, and remain faithful). Likewise, you must change your way of life and begin a new Christian life. Colossians 3 talks about things that we must put off and things we must put on in Christ. Who Is Jesus Seeking? Obviously, Jesus is seeking the one who has never known Him, the one who has never obeyed His plan of salvation. However, consider that Jesus is even at the door of those who are struggling with sin, those who are neither “cold nor hot,” and those who need to repent. Friend, if you haven’t become a Christian, or if there are things in your life that isn’t righteous, Jesus is at your door, knocking. Will you let Jesus in? - Eric Krieg -
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 09:24:33 +0000

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