Will the upheaval in which the world finds itself ever come to an - TopicsExpress


Will the upheaval in which the world finds itself ever come to an end? The answer is Yes!, as youll see in these continuing excerpts from The Storm Before the Calm, in which youll discover the role you can play in the times just ahead.... Could we ever really get close to anything like this? NOW AS YOU KNOW, I’ve said that none of the ideas here are mine. All of them were inspired by God and were—how can I put this…?—given to me in the Conversations with God dialogues. The tool of beingness was one of the most impactful among them. I wondered, as I thought about how this concept might be overlaid on our global life, what it might ask of us. For instance, would beingness require a redistribution of wealth? No sooner did my mind formulate the question than it received a reply. “It would require nothing. It would produce, voluntarily and quite automatically, a redistribution of resources. “All people would be offered a proper education, for instance. All people would be offered open opportunity to use that education in the workplace—to follow a career which brings them joy. “All people would be guaranteed access to health care whenever and however needed. “All people would be guaranteed they won’t starve to death, or have to live without sufficient clothing or adequate shelter. “All people would be granted the basic dignities of life, so that survival would never again be the issue; so that simple comforts and basic dignities were provided all human beings.” So this is how life would “be” if we chose to “be” compassionate and caring, generous and loving—and One with All People. But what if some folks did nothing to earn these things? I asked. “Your thought that these things need to be earned is the basis for your thought that you have to earn you way to heaven,” came the reply. “Yet you cannot earn your way into God’s good graces, and you do not have to, because you are already there. This is something you cannot accept, because it is something you cannot give. When you learn to give unconditionally (which is to say, love unconditionally), then will you learn to receive unconditionally. “This life was created as a vehicle through which you might be allowed to experience that. “Try to wrap yourself around this thought: People have a right to basic survival.” Of course! If we are “being” One with all other humans, we would see that there could be no reason for people not to have the same right to survive that we assume for ourselves. Yet there is a logistical problem here. Basic survival depends upon having the means to survive—and in an economy-driven world that requires a job, or some other manner of receiving income. Because without sufficient income, you’re S.O.L. (Sure Out of Luck). For example, you must certainly know that the food problem in the world today is not that there is not enough of it to go around, but that people can’t pay for it. This is the planet we’re living on today. We are requiring people to pay for their survival—and if they can’t do it, we let them die. Why not a world in which we guarantee people’s basic survival? Couldn’t we, as a caring society, offer that from our hearts? I guess I’m just an old guy, still inspired by the words of the inaugural address delivered in 1961 by newly elected American president John F. Kennedy… “The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe—the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state, but from the hand of God.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Check out the website that has been specially created to allow the conversation that has been started here to continue. Go to TheGlobalConversation and see what you think.
Posted on: Thu, 01 May 2014 13:00:01 +0000

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