Wilujeng énjing! Good morning very auspicious Thursday! Today is - TopicsExpress


Wilujeng énjing! Good morning very auspicious Thursday! Today is the 22nd of the Ninth month of the Tibetan Calendar, which is the celebration of one of the four Buddhist festivals - Lhabab Düchen commemorating four events in the life of the Buddha, according to Tibetan traditions. During his 41st year, Buddha ascended to Tushita heaven to benefit his mother, Queen Mayadevi, who had died seven days after his birth. To repay her kindness and to liberate her from Samsara, he spent the rainy season retreat teaching her and other gods the Abhidharma. After three months the Buddha decided to return to his disciples and lay followers. His descent from the heaven took place at Sankashya in modern Uttar Pradesh, India. On Lhabab Duchen, the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied ten million times. It is part of Tibetan Buddhist tradition to engage in virtuous activities and prayer on this day. Today is also the birthday of His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgön Chungtsang Rinpoche. His Holiness the Drikung Kyabgön Chungtsang, the 36th throne holder of the Drikung Kagyu Lineage and the 8th reincarnation of the Chungtsang Rinpoche is a manifestation of Manjushri. We hereby wish H.H. Chungtsang Rinpoche a very Happy Birthday! Due to the auspiciousness of today, the effects of positive or negative actions are multiplied ten million times. We will be performing the Shakyamuni Buddha Puja today at 6 pm, followed by Green Tara Prayer at 7 pm. Please join us if possible. Most importantly please engage in virtuous activities and prayer on this day. May all beings have happiness and be free from suffering! Happy Lhabab Düchen! *******Dharma Quote of the Day******* A body endowed with leisure and fortune is the supreme basis, which is difficult to find. You have entered into the precious teachings of the Buddha and have especially heard the Vajrayana Dharma. So dont waste your human life. Cherish your practice. According to the teachings of cause and example and so forth, leisure and fortune are difficult to find. Even if one is born as a human, vast regions remain without the Dharma. Buddhas appear and teach the Dharma very rarely. In particular, it is barely possible to hear the teachings of secret mantra. Life doesnt stand still for even a moment. So think carefully, can you afford to waste this leisure and fortune? The root of the Buddhas teachings is the morality of the vinaya. Without this, even if you are called a practitioner, you are still a samsaric person. Therefore, guard your discipline as you would your eyes. Desires are the hoard of nonvirtue. Spirituality aside, even in the ordinary, worldly life there are many who have lost life, wealth, and power. Therefore, regard desire as an enemy. Beer and the others in its group are the source of all harm. Liquor, even if you boil it, still possesses great faults. Gradually, come to regard even beer as a poison. Also, wandering distractedly, giving in to vanity and frivolity and watching others dance and sing and so forth are like the sounds that lure wild animals to their death. These increase desire and the deceptiveness of Samsara. Therefore, avoid them. Be an ornament to inspire those who have devotion. Meaningless diversions and idle tales are a cause of wasting ones life and of obstructing the Mind of Dharma and so forth. You should develop as much virtue as you can. All wealth is like the honey of the bees. It binds one to samsara and is freely taken by others. Much is lost and wasted to no purpose. Therefore, it is important to take wealths essence by using it for the Dharma and by practicing generosity. Ceaseless chatter is a source of faults and is despised by others, but if we are completely silent we cannot point the way. Therefore, it is important to know when to speak. You may think that small actions of virtue and nonvirtue may not help or harm. But small karma gives rise to great results. So be careful even in little things. - Composed by Drikung Bhande Dharmardza, excerpt taken from The Jewel Treasury of Advice - A Hundred Teaching From The Heart, translated by H.E. Khenchen Konchog Gyaltsen Rinpoche. *Drikung Bhande Dharmaradza (1704-1754) was the reincarnation of the great Drikung Dharmakirti, the 1st of the Drikung Kyabgön Chungtsang Rinpoche.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Nov 2014 14:22:43 +0000

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